Sourcehut: Introducing a GraphQL-native approach to webhooks

GitHub - JefMari/awesome-wysiwyg: A curated list of awesome WYSIWYG editors.
GitHub - wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image Twitter bridge to the fediverse
How to find the files that are the slowest to analyze with PHPStan?
Use your own user @ domain for Mastodon discoverability with the WebFinger Protocol without hosting a server
Has your password been pwned? Or, how I almost failed to search a 37 GB text file in under 1 millisecond (in Python) - death and gravity
From Zero to 50 Million Uploads per Day: Scaling Media at Canva
Simplify Your Customer Support
Fork Awesome, a fork of the iconic font and CSS toolkit
What's new in PHP 8.2 -
Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT
Garage - An open-source distributed object storage service
Jem’s Guide to WordPress Website Performance Auditing and Optimisation
Moving away from UUIDs | An anonymous & ephemeral (and free) Docker image registry
Docus - Nuxt template
Better code highlighting in Hugo with Torchlight
The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets
Store and process your Cloudflare Logs... with Cloudflare
Migrate from S3 easily with the R2 Super Slurper
Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta
GitHub - staudenmeir/eloquent-has-many-deep: Laravel Eloquent HasManyThrough relationships with unlimited levels
Your playground for cryptography, coding & data
Worldvectorlogo: Brand logos free to download
Mona Sans & Hubot Sans
Plain - Customer support for modern tools