Why does a backslash prefix improve PHP function call performance
CSS Loaders: A collection of more than 500 loading animations
Grafana security update: GPG signing key rotation | Grafana Labs
Setup Sentry Relay on Ubuntu
[TUTORIAL] Create your own Homey mini!
Replacicon - Find, change, and replace app icons to match macOS Big Sur and Monterey
Introducing Rage & Dead Click Detection for Session Replay
Filapanel - Laravel and Filament Code Generation Made Easy
Onboardbase · Open and collaborative secret infrastructure
A Field Guide to Elephpants
Putting the "You" in CPU
Mailbites - Build email templates, faster than ever
Kafka is dead, long live Kafka
Browsertech Digest: Figma is a File Editor
Eloquent’s missing “array” driver.
Cloudflare + AI
Project IDX
Can I PHP? - caniuse.com but for PHP features
Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3
Timeseries with PostgreSQL
Blip | The complete toolkit for your IP-whitelisted servers.
Remove Unnecessary PHP Composer Polyfills
Iconbuddy - 100K+ open source icons
Querytastic - Generate optimised SQL queries in seconds
Inigo Quilez
Pest's Spicy Summer Release | Pest - The elegant PHP Testing Framework
Inspecting HTTP Response Headers Without Downloading Body with Guzzle