

Yinying­—Shadow - Uncanny Magazine
Yinying­—Shadow - Uncanny Magazine
Since Mother’s death, a changeling was all I could be. Father said so before he himself passed, “A real child, a real daughter, our daughter, would never cause death, would never bring death upon this family.” Mother named me Yangguang—sunlight. But Father changed it to Yinying—shadow—for robbing his love of her light. But she told […]
Yinying­—Shadow - Uncanny Magazine
Down in the Printbay - 365tomorrows
Down in the Printbay - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I watch the spheres orbit about one another as they spin within the space defined by the delimiter field. Fractal printers are fascinating. I find their intricate revolutions calming. “What do you think it is, Derry?” Gia’s always trying to predict what’s next. “I have no idea, young being. What […]
Down in the Printbay - 365tomorrows
The AI Learns to Murder - 365tomorrows
The AI Learns to Murder - 365tomorrows
Author: Ken Poyner The replicators have decided we should all eat peanut butter and crackers; for a month the machines have been spitting out endless batches of peanut butter and crackers. Not bad peanut butter, and truly delicate crackers. But it has been a month. Damn artificial intelligence. Yes, it learns and adapts, but to […]
The AI Learns to Murder - 365tomorrows
The Sea Jewel: A Queer Fairy Tale - 365tomorrows
The Sea Jewel: A Queer Fairy Tale - 365tomorrows
Author: Sasha Wolff See The Sea Jewel zip around the cosmos like a theater bus that know no bounds; see it pop up in the remote corners of this glittering universe like Mary Poppins’ stuffed purse of many surprises; like a magical, mischief-making lunch basket of lipstick, lyrics, and lunar love… Everyone aboard The Sea […]
The Sea Jewel: A Queer Fairy Tale - 365tomorrows