SecretChlex - Fanfiction for babydee1: Getting What You Deserve, Part 1/4

SecretChlex - Fanfiction for babydee1: Getting What You Deserve, Part 2/4
SecretChlex - Fanfiction for apeygirl: Compromising Positions, Part 1/5
SecretChlex - Fanfiction for apeygirl: Compromising Positions, Part 2/5
SecretChlex - Fanfiction for apeygirl: Compromising Positions, Part 3/5
SecretChlex - Fanfiction for apeygirl: Compromising Positions, Part 4/5
SecretChlex - Fanfiction for apeygirl: Compromising Positions, Part 5/5
"...Better." by coffeerepublic
BabyDee - Chlex Fanfic: Facade, Part III
BabyDee - Chlex Fanfic: Façade
BabyDee - Chlex Fanfic: Façade, Part II
Lillian´s Child - "The Last Ace" (Fortune Revisited): Chlex one-shot sequel to Undercover Warrior (PG-13) BANNER ADDED
BabyDee - Chlex Fanfic: Ricochet (Oneshot)
Lillian´s Child - "À la Carte" (Chloe/Chlex one-shot: Entry for NS Fanfic Challenge #13)- PG
land of sharp pointy things - Fic: "Leaving Bliss," The Silmarillion, AU
land of sharp pointy things - Short fic: "Ice," The Silmarillion, Celeborn
Lillian´s Child - Undercover Warrior (PG-13): Chlex one-shot (General)
[viridian] - fic: Ronin (pt 2)
[viridian] - fic: Ronin (part 3)
[viridian] - Ronin pt 4
[viridian] - folks are dumb where i come from...
Elly's Fanfiction: Exposed
Elly's Fanfiction: What Is This Feeling?
[viridian] - Fic: Ronin (smallville - chlex)
plumsnickety: "The Lines We Amend" (smallville)
plumsnickety: repost: Revisionist History (SV)
Wax Ecstatic
abvj: Fic - Blank Verse (Chloe, Chloe/Lex) nc-17, 1/3
Non Sequitur Dinner Theatre and Day Spa - Fic: Who's That Girl (Buffy, Tara) PG/FRT 1/1