Found 1493 bookmarks
Between the Dark and the Dark - Lightspeed Magazine
Between the Dark and the Dark - Lightspeed Magazine
Two hundred ships moved through the stars, leaving an iridescent trail of transmission beacons in their wake. Five billion kilometers long, the beacons stretched all the way to Earth, a desiccated and shaken planet that the passengers once called home. Sometimes simple messages from the ships arrived in the data. After a long time, images came and---after an even longer time---clips of the passengers going about their lives. But the vast distances meant these clips were rare. Normally an image arriving on Earth was cause for celebration, because it meant the crew was still alive, or at leas...
Between the Dark and the Dark - Lightspeed Magazine
The most interesting thing about ghost stories is that almost everyone has one. The other really interesting thing, to me, is that they’re nearly all terrible stories if you try to take them as stories. A good story has a beginning, some buildup, and then a resolution or a twist or something atGalaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
The most interesting thing about ghost stories is that almost everyone has one. The other really interesting thing, to me, is that they’re nearly all terrible stories if you try to take them as stories. A good story has a beginning, some buildup, and then a resolution or a twist or something atGalaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
Galaxy Science Fiction was an American digest-size science fiction magazine, published from 1950 to 1980. It was founded by an Italian company, World Editions, which was looking to break in to the American market. World Editions hired as editor H. L. Gold, who rapidly made Galaxy the leading...
The most interesting thing about ghost stories is that almost everyone has one. The other really interesting thing, to me, is that they’re nearly all terrible stories if you try to take them as stories. A good story has a beginning, some buildup, and then a resolution or a twist or something atGalaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Arcade : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Arcade : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
The Internet Arcade is a web-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME, part of the JSMESS software package. Containing hundreds of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade provides research, comparison,...
Internet Arcade : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
IF Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
IF Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
If was an American science fiction magazine launched in March 1952 by Quinn Publications, owned by James L. Quinn. The magazine was moderately successful, though it was never regarded as one of the first rank of science fiction magazines. It achieved its greatest success under editor Frederik Pohl,...
IF Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Galaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Galaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Galaxy Science Fiction was an American digest-size science fiction magazine, published from 1950 to 1980. It was founded by an Italian company, World Editions, which was looking to break in to the American market. World Editions hired as editor H. L. Gold, who rapidly made Galaxy the leading...
Galaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
A Modicum of Conspiracy by Ahimsa Kerp | Interstellar Fiction
A Modicum of Conspiracy by Ahimsa Kerp | Interstellar Fiction
A Modicum of Conspiracy by Ahimsa Kerp | 3,991 words Alarms sounded, the screeching cacophony startling the denizens of the small ship. The lights dimmed, some flickering and others darkening altog...
A Modicum of Conspiracy by Ahimsa Kerp | Interstellar Fiction
All Your Worlds a Stage by Peter Wood | Interstellar Fiction
All Your Worlds a Stage by Peter Wood | Interstellar Fiction
All Your World’s a Stage by Peter Wood Professor Sneed looked up from his book. "How long have you been on Earth, Mr. Zamax?" Zamax looked across the Professor's desk past teetering stacks of ungra...
All Your Worlds a Stage by Peter Wood | Interstellar Fiction
Always Faithful by Molly N. Moss | Interstellar Fiction
Always Faithful by Molly N. Moss | Interstellar Fiction
Always Faithful by Molly N. Moss | 3,478 words Glacier National Park, Montana June 2028 “I thought what happened in Matamoros was classified, so secret even God couldn't view those files, Ms.—?” “D...
Always Faithful by Molly N. Moss | Interstellar Fiction
Download by Gunnar De Winter | Interstellar Fiction
Download by Gunnar De Winter | Interstellar Fiction
Download by Gunnar De Winter | 2,012 words So, this is how death feels. The last moment has arrived. The final breath. Hopefully, my precautions will have been worth it. And then there is darkness....
Download by Gunnar De Winter | Interstellar Fiction
Cuddly Furballs of Contentment by Erik Peterson | Interstellar Fiction
Cuddly Furballs of Contentment by Erik Peterson | Interstellar Fiction
Cuddly Furballs of Contentment by Erik Peterson | 3,999 words Merek's family had been on the planet for six months when his daughter Kemmy heard something bleating under a cover bush as they were h...
Cuddly Furballs of Contentment by Erik Peterson | Interstellar Fiction
Croatoan by James C. Bassett | Interstellar Fiction
Croatoan by James C. Bassett | Interstellar Fiction
Croatoan by James C. Bassett Hal said to the others, “Except for the Reykjavik’s beacon, we haven’t picked up any EMR since we hit the system. I’m telling you, the planet’s dead.” Sudirman looked a...
Croatoan by James C. Bassett | Interstellar Fiction