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Plus Size Bottoms
The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye - Uncanny Magazine
The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye - Uncanny Magazine
It was a nice enough cabin, if Zanna ignored the dead wasps. Their bodies were in the bedroom, all over the quilt and the floor, so she’d sleep in the living room until they ascertained whether there was a live wasp problem as well as a dead one. If she ignored the wasps, it was […]
The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye - Uncanny Magazine
The Beasts We Want To Be - Lightspeed Magazine
The Beasts We Want To Be - Lightspeed Magazine
Two things were wrong with the Spasskaya assessment. The first was the painting: a tiny square in a simple frame, something I barely noticed at the time, but which would go on to cause us so much suffering. The second was the woman. Wailing greeted us when we arrived, almost at midnight. Assessment teams had to come without warning. Snow fell in great marching waves, helpless in the hands of the wind off the Moscow River.
The Beasts We Want To Be - Lightspeed Magazine
The Art of Detection - 365tomorrows
The Art of Detection - 365tomorrows
Author: David K Scholes The three of us pored over the various 3D mind image, life force energy, and bio patterns. The “B” team, consisting of robotic investigators stood ready to assist us. There were, of course, other “A” teams and many, many other robot led “B’ teams, the world over, doing the same work. […]
The Art of Detection - 365tomorrows
Ten Candles - 365tomorrows
Ten Candles - 365tomorrows
Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer “For a long time, people wondered just what the first-ever crime committed in the Martian Colonies was going to be. The first murder. The first rape. The first vicious assault. The first deletion of a child’s innocence. For a long time, people wondered, but now they wonder no more.” “Spartan […]
Ten Candles - 365tomorrows
Sudden and Grace - 365tomorrows
Sudden and Grace - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Words fall like hawks. I know someone is going to die. As the Cantor finishes his brief condemnation, I see her move like a broken mannequin; a ballerina of sudden and grace. There’s a falsetto gurgle that bubbles into a dying sigh. She’s quick tonight; a minor offender. The crowd shivers […]
Sudden and Grace - 365tomorrows
Star Eagle - 365tomorrows
Star Eagle - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer With slow majesty the huge spacecraft swings about, displaying alien lines in the distant star’s light. Mantled wings of golden energy cant toward the tiny needle that darts about, shooting beams of visible and invisible energy at it. The behemoth remains silent and apparently indifferent. “Damn it! Why doesn’t it […]
Star Eagle - 365tomorrows
Self-Storage Starts with the Heart - Lightspeed Magazine
Self-Storage Starts with the Heart - Lightspeed Magazine
You’ll notice how the commercials never mention the price. They’ve all got some lab-coated guy with chiseled cheekbones spouting dumbed-down drivel about how emotions have wavelengths, the same as light or sound, which are reflected and absorbed by the objects around us. How this discovery has the potential to revolutionize your life. Yes, you, the one glued to your screen at three a.m., binging YouTube videos.
Self-Storage Starts with the Heart - Lightspeed Magazine
Revival - Lightspeed Magazine
Revival - Lightspeed Magazine
It’s midnight and I can smell the new moon through the cracks in the concrete. This organism in my womb has heightened my senses in unnatural ways. I can hear the Council’s hushed arguments through the walls of my cell as they contemplate my death, their words carried by the night wind through the cracks in the concrete that constitutes the community prison. Old habits die hard. We’ve been on this planet for less than ten years and a prison was the first building we constructed.
Revival - Lightspeed Magazine