

Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | Interstellar Fiction
Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | Interstellar Fiction
Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | 4,162 words Audra Eka emptied her ale with thick, neat gulps. "Captain Audra Eka of the Topaz Requiem I presume, tck tck tck?" The stranger clicked ...
Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | Interstellar Fiction
Planet Texas by Lance J. Mushung | Interstellar Fiction
Planet Texas by Lance J. Mushung | Interstellar Fiction
Planet Texas by Lance J. Mushung | 2,363 words I sat in the center of the spherical view screen in Austin's cockpit with my pilot, Candace Weiss. With only the dim blue glow of our console marring ...
Planet Texas by Lance J. Mushung | Interstellar Fiction
Bentos Paradox by Patrick Lundrigan | Interstellar Fiction
Bentos Paradox by Patrick Lundrigan | Interstellar Fiction
Bento's Paradox by Patrick Lundrigan | 3,627 words Sandoz pulled his hood to block the glare as Neuve crept over the waterfront rooftops, adding another wave of heat to the scorched streets. He fel...
Bentos Paradox by Patrick Lundrigan | Interstellar Fiction
Union by O. L. Wilson | Interstellar Fiction
Union by O. L. Wilson | Interstellar Fiction
Union by O. L. Wilson | 2,871 words The ghostly husk of the Cherokee shrank with every second until it was no more than a pin-prick in the surrounding blue sky. Anneke turned her head toward the ga...
Union by O. L. Wilson | Interstellar Fiction
LifeCycle by Jess Hyslop | Interstellar Fiction
LifeCycle by Jess Hyslop | Interstellar Fiction
LifeCycle by Jess Hyslop | 3,431 words In the smouldering rubble, MM#2893 began putting itself back together. Its head was still attached to its left shoulder-plate, arm, and hand—which was lucky, ...
LifeCycle by Jess Hyslop | Interstellar Fiction
One Thousand Feet and Climbing by Megan Engelhardt | Interstellar Fiction
One Thousand Feet and Climbing by Megan Engelhardt | Interstellar Fiction
One Thousand Feet and Climing by Megan Engelhardt | 3,537 words "Easy now, Jenny. Steady does it." Roger glanced back at the girl with the aviator goggles and bobbed red hair. "I wish you'd stop ta...
One Thousand Feet and Climbing by Megan Engelhardt | Interstellar Fiction
Two Hearts, Two Minds by Jo Thomas | Interstellar Fiction
Two Hearts, Two Minds by Jo Thomas | Interstellar Fiction
Two Hearts, Two Minds by Jo Thomas | 2,100 words The packet ship appeared exactly on time. One moment, there was nothing and the docking space was empty and in the next it was not. The beauty of th...
Two Hearts, Two Minds by Jo Thomas | Interstellar Fiction
The Tale of the White Tiger by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt | Interstellar Fiction
The Tale of the White Tiger by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt | Interstellar Fiction
The Tale of the White Tiger by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt | 3,999 words Blind Li Xiao surveyed the marketplace. The sensor net embedded in his storyteller's robes fed signals directly to his brain. The ...
The Tale of the White Tiger by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt | Interstellar Fiction
The Cadet by S.P. Parish | Interstellar Fiction
The Cadet by S.P. Parish | Interstellar Fiction
The Cadet by S.P. Parish | 4,523 words "It says here that you scored at the top of your class in strategy, combat maneuvers, and hand-to-hand." An average cadet in their last year of training would...
The Cadet by S.P. Parish | Interstellar Fiction
A Memory Deferred by Kurt MacPhearson | Interstellar Fiction
A Memory Deferred by Kurt MacPhearson | Interstellar Fiction
A Memory Deferred by Kurt MacPhearson | 4,451 words “Good afternoon, Mr. Andrews,” the man on my doorstep said with a smile as genuine as a tattoo. “I’m Kellen Haversham, Customer Service Rep for S...
A Memory Deferred by Kurt MacPhearson | Interstellar Fiction
Atonement by Shane Gavin | Interstellar Fiction
Atonement by Shane Gavin | Interstellar Fiction
Atonement by Shane Gavin | 2,224 words "Don't be such a drama queen," Selena said. "you only got a hundred days. And none of that 'it felt like' crap." "No, it's not like that," I said. "They pump ...
Atonement by Shane Gavin | Interstellar Fiction
X, Y, Z by Robert Pritchard | Interstellar Fiction
X, Y, Z by Robert Pritchard | Interstellar Fiction
X, Y, Z by Robert Pritchard | 3,051 words The next morning I walked into the police headquarters on the Boulevard Viente Cinco de Abril and, spreading my hands, said, “You’re looking for me.” But n...
X, Y, Z by Robert Pritchard | Interstellar Fiction
Out of the Fire by Ron Collins | Interstellar Fiction
Out of the Fire by Ron Collins | Interstellar Fiction
Out of the Fire by Ron Collins | 1,234 words RECEIVER LOG: CX52-Z12.1012 RECEIPT DATE: 05-05-2012 09:34:00.321 LOCATION: FFO [WRIGHT-PATT AFB] -------------------- TRANSMISSION BEGINS -------------...
Out of the Fire by Ron Collins | Interstellar Fiction
Ice by Rose Blackthorn | Interstellar Fiction
Ice by Rose Blackthorn | Interstellar Fiction
Ice by Rose Blackthorn | 1,912 words Brenner’s Ice resided in the Capital Museum in the city of Dalibor, on the planet of the same name. City, however, might have been an overstatement. While there...
Ice by Rose Blackthorn | Interstellar Fiction
Seascape Zero by John Davies | Interstellar Fiction
Seascape Zero by John Davies | Interstellar Fiction
Seascape Zero by John Davies | 2,267 words Eleanor lay still in the darkness, listening. The crackling bursts of live wires provided further evidence of Klint’s nocturnal betrayal. She imagined the...
Seascape Zero by John Davies | Interstellar Fiction
Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | Interstellar Fiction
Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | Interstellar Fiction
Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | 4,162 words Audra Eka emptied her ale with thick, neat gulps. "Captain Audra Eka of the Topaz Requiem I presume, tck tck tck?" The stranger clicked ...
Situation Vacant, Apply Within by AJ Fitzwater | Interstellar Fiction
The Plan by Jamie Ashworth | Interstellar Fiction
The Plan by Jamie Ashworth | Interstellar Fiction
The Plan by Jamie Ashworth | 3,558 words You can see all of Crayport from Caron’s Hill. There’s Main Street, all brick and cobblestone. Just past it is Bright Beach with swarms of tourists on its s...
The Plan by Jamie Ashworth | Interstellar Fiction
Chlex Fanfics by Malu
Chlex Fanfics by Malu
Fanfics about Chloe/Lex (Lex/Chloe if you prefer), from Smallville. Romance, frienship, general, angst, drama, humor, fantasy, poetry, alternative universe, suspense, action, parody, crossovers, horror, adventure, supernatural. Post your fics here too. Only English for now. Site de fanfics sobre o relacionamento de Chloe/Lex em Smallville... Em breve, também com histórias em português.
Chlex Fanfics by Malu
Galaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Galaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Galaxy Science Fiction was an American digest-size science fiction magazine, published from 1950 to 1980. It was founded by an Italian company, World Editions, which was looking to break in to the American market. World Editions hired as editor H. L. Gold, who rapidly made Galaxy the leading...
Galaxy Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive