Who is the Oppressed One? by =Vexic929 on deviantART
EDIT: Correction, it's actually 53 now; 41 restricted nations and 12 hostile nations. Meh, disabling comments 'cause I know I'll get a lot of grief for this and I don't feel like debating facts--TH...
The Bible is not a Menu by *Allendra3 on deviantART
It's alarming how many Christians say they believe certain things from the Bible but not others. The Bible isn't a menu for you to choose what you want from it. You have logic problems with that li...
So What Are We Arguing About by ~SailorWolf4 on deviantART
Of course, I am not simply referring to homosexuality and all that applies to that particular lifestyle. I am also referring to lifestyles lead by strippers, prostitutes (though there are certain u...
the rules for submitting: (CLICK THE "MORE" BUTTON) :bulletred:Must be fanart! :bulletorange:Submit it to the correct folder!...PLEASE!!! :bulletyellow:The OC fanart file is for drawings that you h...
This is a group of people dedicated to helping the writer's of deviantART improve their skills by beta reading their stories and poetry and giving advice on how to improve. This will also be a plac...
For all those people out there whose dream in life is to be a published author, you are welcome here. Be it with short stories or lengthy novels, come and join.
This is a group dedicated to literate RolePlay that revolves around Fanfictions. We frown upon the use of canons! >;o OCs all the way! What do you need to join this group? You should express a pass...
This is a group created because literature often doesn't get as much attention as it should. Here you can submit stories, poems, chapters and extracts, or anything else literature related. Icepaw99...
God, I feel like a deaf person with an iPod or a dumb person on a telephone! Being (partially) colourblind, I've always had trouble with green and red hues. But I simply had to use them with t...
HP Yule Ball Icon -- SPOILERS by *WolfenM on deviantART
The second part of my entry for FictionAlley's "Try-Wizard Tournament" ( ). You can find the full image that I made this from here: , and you can read the first part of my entry, a ficlet called "T...
"Lumos." "Nox." A Harry Potter Elder Wand avatar, free for you to use! Related Note: I do not give permission for my avatars to be made part of 'packs' for others to download. ---------...
I am so glad that I was able to finish this early. XD I luv this. Anyone who likes grammar; go read "Eats, shoots & leaves." again if you want it Seiji; you can have it.
Tautologies are your friends. by ~MiZuKiIsMe on deviantART
From a discussion from =teirrah1995... She is the one to blame for this sudden crazed stamp making. (She makes stamps too, go look at them >_>) Everyone loves tautolgies... right?
Yeah, this is something that has been bugging me for a while. I spend quite a lot of time on the internet, and I've seen people type as if they've never had a single lesson in their own language, m...
It's Not the Size of the Book by *phantom-inker on deviantART
...it's how you use it. Little books rule! If you don't know what this is, you need to learn. (I'm sure some purists would chastise me for using the gray cover of the fourth edition ...
One of the most frustrating limitations of English is that it doesn't have this. I guess it's a throwback to when gender roles were more defined. "It" won't work because it automatically dehumanize...