Found 1730 bookmarks
Learn to spell by ~XpopsicleX on deviantART
Learn to spell by ~XpopsicleX on deviantART
I think I failed... Pretty bad... But y'know, gotta be bad before you can get worse I decided to try out animated stamps *le gasp* Not that I can use them since I'm not subscribed, but th...
Learn to spell by ~XpopsicleX on deviantART
Sparkling Zombies Stamp by ^SparklyDest on deviantART
Sparkling Zombies Stamp by ^SparklyDest on deviantART
Ok, I couldn't help myself. I see tons of Twilight stuff all over the place, whether it is fan art or hate art, and I just got to wondering....what if other monsters sparkled? Would they be extra p...
Sparkling Zombies Stamp by ^SparklyDest on deviantART
Spell Check by ~Stampbox on deviantART
Spell Check by ~Stampbox on deviantART
"My story is perfect." " typoed 'the' fifty-seven times." "MY STORY IS PERFECT!!!!eleven!!" Stamp by ~Cedarbox Template by $zilla774
Spell Check by ~Stampbox on deviantART
The Realm of Salama Spell Book by ~BCcreativity on deviantART
The Realm of Salama Spell Book by ~BCcreativity on deviantART
This is the notorious dark spell book that Taltneph Sister discovered and secretly studied. It is also the book that got them banished to the Forest of Crys, in the actual Realm of Salama where the...
The Realm of Salama Spell Book by ~BCcreativity on deviantART
Spelling Stamp by *NekoBattousai on deviantART
Spelling Stamp by *NekoBattousai on deviantART
I had this stamp idea sometime last year, but never got around to making it. I thoroughly enjoyed making this. Cause its true on my part. I'm what my family calls a "Grammar Nazi". I have a habit o...
Spelling Stamp by *NekoBattousai on deviantART
Stamp: Education
Stamp: Education
OMG! How elitist! O___O; This applies to all forms of writing and everyone out there who wants to half-ass their work in whatever way. Seriously, those people make life painful, and not just for En...
Stamp: Education
Spell Checking Stamp by ~Kisa-Koufuku on deviantART
Spell Checking Stamp by ~Kisa-Koufuku on deviantART
As requested by ! She brought up the point that ALL literary works should be spell checked. She is, of course, right, so I made this stamp to spread the word about spell checking in general. All wr...
Spell Checking Stamp by ~Kisa-Koufuku on deviantART
Spell Check Fanfiction Stamp by ~Kisa-Koufuku on deviantART
Spell Check Fanfiction Stamp by ~Kisa-Koufuku on deviantART
This turned out better than I planned! Anyhoo, this stamp addresses an important issue in the wonderful world of fanfiction... Some people just don't use spell-check!! A perfectly good fanfict...
Spell Check Fanfiction Stamp by ~Kisa-Koufuku on deviantART
If you want me to answer... by ~black-cat16-stamps on deviantART
If you want me to answer... by ~black-cat16-stamps on deviantART
Here is a list of things you must not do, if you want me to answer to your comment: 1. You have to write full words, not short versions. 2. You have to use correct words. 3. You have to start sente...
If you want me to answer... by ~black-cat16-stamps on deviantART
So Stop Trying To Defend Them by =RebiValeska on deviantART
So Stop Trying To Defend Them by =RebiValeska on deviantART
Say that someone has certain feelings or opinions about someone or something. That's perfectly fine, and they have the right to express it like everyone else, even if I don't agree with them. There...
So Stop Trying To Defend Them by =RebiValeska on deviantART
Stamp: Request - Do Your Research
Stamp: Request - Do Your Research
Sort of a request by ~Tawana. Just a friendly reminder to do your research before you start spewing shit! Hehe. Bg: Temp: Click here for ALL of my Stamps Click here for Religious Stamps Click here ...
Stamp: Request - Do Your Research
Stamp: Your right to bear Gods
Stamp: Your right to bear Gods
Let's avoid the obvious comments here for this one, mmkay? "But it's a sin to kill." "It's not god's will to kill people." "I don't kill people." "Those people aren't real Christians." "OMG UR TAKI...
Stamp: Your right to bear Gods
Stamp: Freedom of Religion
Stamp: Freedom of Religion
Because *Kerosene-Lamp was so kind as to promote this stamp of mine, I felt I should return the favor! Please feel free to drop by my (brand new, haha) group! It's just starting out, but hopefully ...
Stamp: Freedom of Religion
Stamp: Just a wee bit ageist
Stamp: Just a wee bit ageist
"Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean that my arguments are any less valid." I'm sick of people completely dismissing my arguments due to my age. Yes, I'm in my early 20s. Yes, I admit t...
Stamp: Just a wee bit ageist
Stamp: Tax the Churches
Stamp: Tax the Churches
"If Churches care so much about politics, then they should pay taxes like everyone else!" Based off the following quote by George Carlin: “I don't know how you feel, but I'm pretty sick of church p...
Stamp: Tax the Churches
Stamp: Being Fat
Stamp: Being Fat
"Being fat neither makes someone less than human nor makes cruel words hurt any less." This stamp focuses more on a social issue than a political one. In the news recently down here in Australia, i...
Stamp: Being Fat
Stamp: Gay Fetus
Stamp: Gay Fetus
I know there's quite a few other stamps on this topic out there, and definitely some who do it better than I did, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. I do understand that many Christians do no...
Stamp: Gay Fetus
Stamp: Oppressed!
Stamp: Oppressed!
"You're not being "oppressed" when another group gains rights that you've always had." I liked this quote because it works for anything. Religion, gay marriage, basic human rights. There's always s...
Stamp: Oppressed!
Stamp: Stork Theory
Stamp: Stork Theory
"Want "Creation Science" taught as an alternative to evolution? OK. Let's also teach the Stork Theory as an alternative to Biological Reproduction then." Original quote/text here: Texture: Temp: Cl...
Stamp: Stork Theory