Alyson Hannigan mini-portrait by ~whu-wei on deviantART
An ACEO/PSC miniature pencil portrait of Alyson Hannigan, (Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Personal Sketch Card, 2½ X 3½ inches (63 X 89mm), graphite & coloured pencil on Bristol board. ...
Portrait of the lovely Alyson Hannigan probably better known as Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Drawn in Prismacolor pencils, first time I have tried them and I can highly recommend them.
Finally finish! I spent more than 2 hours for scan and photograph this drawing. It's so hard to rework it that it look almost like the drawing. The scan looks so odd. So I took lots of photos ...
Alyson Hannigan... You all know her as Michelle Flaherty from the American Pie series or as Lily Aldrin from the How I Met Your Mother series. She is the perfect example of aging well. She is 37 ye...
I love this woman! She is very charming. Incredibly beautiful, cheerful, she has an incredible comedic talent. But I think that Alison could play a dramatic role very well if the directors would al...
I try my first colored portrait. It's Alyson Hannigan, guess the most will know her as Willow from Buffy the vampire slayer. It was really fun to draw her! Can't stop drawing, so I just f...
I started this drawing long ago(2004), when I was still watching Buffy. Since I drew Buffy - Sarah Michelle Gellar a couple of times I wanted to draw Willow as well. I am not a big fan of her but I...
I wanted to see if I could make vector art without lines. I can... just not all that well. It has been more than two years since I tried one without lines. I may be a little out of practice.
A portrait of the stunningly georgeus Alyson Hannigan. Ref pic was found on the net. Hope you like it I thought i would give digital art ago again as I can't be bothered with setting up oils at the...
Mon deuxième dessin d'Alyson Hannigan... toujours aussi déçu par le scan... mais c'est quand même pas mal, non? Le premier dessin: B&W Couleur My second drawing of Alyson Hannigan ... still dis...
Winifred Burkle and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce from "Angel" taken from the episode "Smile Time" This looks a bit better on paper than when scanned...Wes's chin kind of vanishes.