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Fire Emblem femslash weekseptember 4: free-for-all Soleil wins the yaoi x yuri wars by personally wooing Ninathis ship is great and you should do yourself a favor and read the like 3 fanfictions that exist of them (also the coloring/shading is sloppy af s
Fire Emblem femslash weekseptember 4: free-for-all Soleil wins the yaoi x yuri wars by personally wooing Ninathis ship is great and you should do yourself a favor and read the like 3 fanfictions that exist of them (also the coloring/shading is sloppy af s
Fire Emblem femslash weekseptember 4: free-for-all Soleil wins the yaoi x yuri wars by personally wooing Ninathis ship is great and you should do yourself a favor and read the like 3 fanfictions that exist of them (also the coloring/shading is sloppy af s