Who is the Oppressed One? by =Vexic929 on deviantART
EDIT: Correction, it's actually 53 now; 41 restricted nations and 12 hostile nations. Meh, disabling comments 'cause I know I'll get a lot of grief for this and I don't feel like debating facts--TH...
The Bible is not a Menu by *Allendra3 on deviantART
It's alarming how many Christians say they believe certain things from the Bible but not others. The Bible isn't a menu for you to choose what you want from it. You have logic problems with that li...
So What Are We Arguing About by ~SailorWolf4 on deviantART
Of course, I am not simply referring to homosexuality and all that applies to that particular lifestyle. I am also referring to lifestyles lead by strippers, prostitutes (though there are certain u...
the rules for submitting: (CLICK THE "MORE" BUTTON) :bulletred:Must be fanart! :bulletorange:Submit it to the correct folder!...PLEASE!!! :bulletyellow:The OC fanart file is for drawings that you h...