xkcd: Ten Thousand

Pain Rating
If it were a two or above I wouldn't be able to answer because it would mean a pause in the screaming.
xkcd: Plastic Bags
xkcd: October 30th
Not enough houses on your block? Just hit them at 30-year intervals from here to 2300 and get 10x the candy.
xkcd: Control
Which, at one point, led to a study showing that LSD produces no more hallucinations than a placebo.
xkcd: Priorities
You should start giving out 'E's so I can spell FACADE or DEFACED.
xkcd: Modern History
During the week, I research my character by living in his house and raising his children.
xkcd: Electric Skateboard (Double Comic)
Unsafe vehicles, hills, and philosophy go hand in hand.
xkcd: Elefino
Hell if I know
xkcd: Small Talk
But surely I owe you an accurate answer!
xkcd: Overqualified
To anyone I've taken on a terrible date, this is retroactively my cover story.
xkcd: Christmas GPS
If it's over water, and you can't get a boat or revise the rules to preserve the makeout, there is no helping you.
xkcd: Cover-Up
Man, this trick has saved me so many times.
xkcd: Misusing Slang
It slowly dawns on us that our parents knew exactly what they were doing.
xkcd: Projection
Out in a field, not another car for miles, silence but for the rain drumming on the sunroof, warm thick folds of the blanket hiding wordless fingertip games ...
xkcd: Fucking Blue Shells
You can evade blue shells in Double Dash, but it is deep magic.
xkcd: Reset
Clearance for this Sign: 11 Feet
xkcd: Movie Seating
It's like the traveling salesman problem, but the endpoints are different and you can't ask your friends for help because they're sitting three seats down.
xkcd: Iambic Pentameter
Of course, you don't wanna limit yourself to the strict forms of the meter. That could get pretty difficult.
xkcd: Post Office Showdown
That track ('Battle Without Honor or Humanity') -- like 'Ride of the Valkyries' -- improves *any* activity.
xkcd: It Might Be Cool
'And ovaries. Man, ovaries, huh?' [awkward pause] '... faithfully.'
xkcd: Making Hash Browns
There are at least fourteen ways this could go badly (seventeen if that fork is a dangerous crossbreed.)
xkcd: Marshmallow Gun
Except in reality crossing a stream of marshmallows would create a giant Bill Murray.
xkcd: Understocked
My biology grad student friends tell me that different types of alcohol don't actually have different effects. I trust their expertise, not because of the 'biology' part, but because of the 'grad student'.
xkcd: Falling Asleep
Sweet unintersecting dreams!
xkcd: A Better Idea
It's *almost* enough to make me want to redo high school.
xkcd: Sickness
At least, with p
xkcd: Substitute
xkcd: Snow Tracking
I suppose that's more accurately a hare dryer.
xkcd: Well 2
But I've made $13.72 already today! Ow, stop throwing pennies.