Found 217 bookmarks
xkcd: Brain Hemispheres
xkcd: Brain Hemispheres
Neurologically speaking, the LEFT hand is actually the one at the end of the RIGHT arm.
xkcd: Brain Hemispheres
xkcd: Flow Charts
xkcd: Flow Charts
At 8 drinks, you switch the torrent from FreeBSD to Microsoft Bob. C'mon, it'll be fun!
xkcd: Flow Charts
xkcd: 2009 Called
xkcd: 2009 Called
2017 called, but I couldn't understand what they were saying over all the screams.
xkcd: 2009 Called
xkcd: Babies
xkcd: Babies
I bet my future kids will read this someday. DEAR FUTURE KIDS: how did you get internet in the cellar?
xkcd: Babies
xkcd: Trapped
xkcd: Trapped
Socrates could've saved himself a lot of trouble if he'd just brought a flashlight, tranquilizer gun, and a bunch of rescue harnesses.
xkcd: Trapped
xkcd: Thinking Ahead
xkcd: Thinking Ahead
Did he just go crazy and jump out the window?
xkcd: Thinking Ahead
xkcd: Learning to Cook
xkcd: Learning to Cook
And yet I never stop thinking, 'sure, these ingredients cost more than a restaurant meal, but think how many meals I'll get out of them! Especially since each one will have leftovers!'
xkcd: Learning to Cook
xkcd: Flying Cars
xkcd: Flying Cars
It's hard to fit in the backseat of my flying car with my android Realdoll when we're both wearing jetpacks.
xkcd: Flying Cars
xkcd: Moria
xkcd: Moria
Someone should really bring them a ladder and remind them to build the Endless Stair *first* next time.
xkcd: Moria
xkcd: Exoplanet Names
xkcd: Exoplanet Names
If you have any ideas, I hear you can send them to
xkcd: Exoplanet Names
xkcd: Old Accounts
xkcd: Old Accounts
If you close an account while it's still friends with people, it contributes to database linkage accumulation slowdown, which is a major looming problem for web infrastructure and definitely not a thing I just made up.
xkcd: Old Accounts
xkcd: United Shapes
xkcd: United Shapes
That eggplant is in something of a flaccid state.
xkcd: United Shapes
xkcd: Realistic Criteria
xkcd: Realistic Criteria
I'm leaning toward fifteen. There are a lot of them.
xkcd: Realistic Criteria
xkcd: Anti-Glass
xkcd: Anti-Glass
'Why don't you just point it at their eye directly?' 'What is this, 2007?'
xkcd: Anti-Glass
xkcd: Sphere
xkcd: Sphere
This message brought to you by the Society of Astronomers Trapped on the Surface of a Sphere.
xkcd: Sphere
xkcd: A Hypochondriac's Nightmare
xkcd: A Hypochondriac's Nightmare
xkcd: A Hypochondriac's Nightmare
xkcd: Android Girlfriend
xkcd: Android Girlfriend
Programming the sexbots to enjoy sex seemed a sensible move at the time, but we didn't realize the consequences of their developing fetishes.
xkcd: Android Girlfriend
xkcd: Pale Blue Dot
xkcd: Pale Blue Dot
Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. There is no road out of this oblivion; we must embrace it. We must join with the darkness. Ba'al the Annihilator offers us no happiness, no answers, naught but the cold embrace of the void. To imagine any other end is delusion. We must give in to the will of Ba'al, for he will one day consume us and our world alike. I therefore call on Congress to fully fund space exploration, and to join with Ba'al, the Eate...
xkcd: Pale Blue Dot
xkcd: Increased Risk
xkcd: Increased Risk
You may point out that strictly speaking, you can use that statement to prove that all risks are tiny--to which I reply HOLY SHIT WATCH OUT FOR THAT DOG!
xkcd: Increased Risk
xkcd: Cold
xkcd: Cold
'You see the same pattern all over. Take Detroit--' 'Hold on. Why do you know all these statistics offhand?' 'Oh, um, no idea. I definitely spend my evenings hanging out with friends, and not curating a REALLY NEAT database of temperature statistics. Because, pshh, who would want to do that, right? Also, snowfall records.'
xkcd: Cold
xkcd: Pickup Artist
xkcd: Pickup Artist
Son, don't try to play 'make you feel bad' with the Michael Jordan of making you feel bad.
xkcd: Pickup Artist