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xkcd: Android Girlfriend
xkcd: Android Girlfriend
Programming the sexbots to enjoy sex seemed a sensible move at the time, but we didn't realize the consequences of their developing fetishes.
xkcd: Android Girlfriend
xkcd: Old Accounts
xkcd: Old Accounts
If you close an account while it's still friends with people, it contributes to database linkage accumulation slowdown, which is a major looming problem for web infrastructure and definitely not a thing I just made up.
xkcd: Old Accounts
xkcd: Pale Blue Dot
xkcd: Pale Blue Dot
Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. There is no road out of this oblivion; we must embrace it. We must join with the darkness. Ba'al the Annihilator offers us no happiness, no answers, naught but the cold embrace of the void. To imagine any other end is delusion. We must give in to the will of Ba'al, for he will one day consume us and our world alike. I therefore call on Congress to fully fund space exploration, and to join with Ba'al, the Eate...
xkcd: Pale Blue Dot
xkcd: Sphere
xkcd: Sphere
This message brought to you by the Society of Astronomers Trapped on the Surface of a Sphere.
xkcd: Sphere
xkcd: Jump
xkcd: Jump
Or that I'm at least following the curve of the Earth around to land ...
xkcd: Jump
xkcd: Profile Info
xkcd: Profile Info
It's ok, they'll always let you opt out! Like they did with the YouTube real name profile thing.
xkcd: Profile Info
xkcd: Undocumented Feature
xkcd: Undocumented Feature
And it doesn't pop up a box every time asking you to use your real name. In fact, there's no way to set your name at all. You just have to keep reminding people who you are.
xkcd: Undocumented Feature
xkcd: Infinite Scrolling
xkcd: Infinite Scrolling
Maybe we should give up on the whole idea of a 'back' button. 'Show me that thing I was looking at a moment ago' might just be too complicated an idea for the modern web.
xkcd: Infinite Scrolling
xkcd: Photos
xkcd: Photos
I hate when people take photos of their meal instead of eating it, because there's nothing I love more than the sound of other people chewing.
xkcd: Photos
xkcd: Actually
xkcd: Actually
Protip: You can win every exchange just by being one level more precise than whoever talked last. Eventually, you'll defeat all conversational opponents and stand alone.
xkcd: Actually
xkcd: Automation
xkcd: Automation
'Automating' comes from the roots 'auto-' meaning 'self-', and 'mating', meaning 'screwing'.
xkcd: Automation
xkcd: Walmart
xkcd: Walmart
What I really want is to hang out where I hung out with my friends in college, but have all my older relatives there too.
xkcd: Walmart
xkcd: Monster
xkcd: Monster
It was finally destroyed with a nuclear weapon carrying the destructive energy of the Hiroshima bomb.
xkcd: Monster
xkcd: Alternate Universe
xkcd: Alternate Universe
As best as I can tell, I was transported here from Earth Prime sometime in the late 1990s. Your universe is identical in every way, except for the lobster thing and the thing where some of you occasionally change your clocks for some reason.
xkcd: Alternate Universe
xkcd: Ayn Random
xkcd: Ayn Random
In a cavern deep below the Earth, Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Ann Druyan, Paul Rudd, Alan Alda, and Duran Duran meet together in the Secret Council of /(b[plurandy]+b ?){2}/i.
xkcd: Ayn Random
xkcd: Reverse Identity Theft
xkcd: Reverse Identity Theft
I asked a few friends whether they'd had this happen, then looked up the popularity of their initials/names over time. Based on those numbers, it looks like there must be at least 750,000 people in the US alone who think 'Sure, that's probably my email address' on a regular basis.
xkcd: Reverse Identity Theft