xkcd: Ten Thousand
xkcd: Plastic Bags
xkcd: Etymology
For some reason, my childhood suspension of disbelief had no problem with the fact that this ancient galaxy is full of humans, but was derailed by language. There's no Asia OR Europe there, so where'd they get all the Indo-European roots?
xkcd: Movie Ages
If you're 15 or younger, then just remember that it's nevertheless probably too late to be a child prodigy.
xkcd: Progeny
I tell my children 'it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.' I'm trying to take the edge off their competitive drive to ensure that I can always beat them.
xkcd: Marie Curie
Although not permanently.
xkcd: Woodpecker
If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too. Because we're friends! Right?
xkcd: Children's Fantasy
I was going to be a scientist, but that seems silly now. Magical worlds exist. I've learned a huge truth about our place in the universe. I'm supposed to care about college? I mean, FUCK.
xkcd: Back to the Future
He's kind of an asshole, when you think about it
xkcd: Showdown
The tumbleweed then tried to roll off into the sunset, but due to the Old West's placement north of the subtropical ridge, the prevailing winds were in the wrong direction.
xkcd: Craigslist Apartments
Pain Rating
If it were a two or above I wouldn't be able to answer because it would mean a pause in the screaming.
xkcd: Movie Narrative Charts
In the LotR map, up and down correspond LOOSELY to northwest and southeast respectively.
xkcd: Time Travel
She also starts every letter with "Dear Future ".
xkcd: A-Minus-Minus
You can do this one in every 30 times and still have 97% positive feedback.
xkcd: Brain Worms
Hey, it says here that if you dream about your teeth falling out, it means they're spreading.
xkcd: Listen to Yourself
Man, I just wanted to know how babby was formed.
xkcd: Ducklings
xkcd: Correlation
Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing 'look over there'.
xkcd: Well 2
But I've made $13.72 already today! Ow, stop throwing pennies.
xkcd: Snow Tracking
I suppose that's more accurately a hare dryer.
xkcd: Substitute
xkcd: Sickness
At least, with p
xkcd: A Better Idea
It's *almost* enough to make me want to redo high school.
xkcd: Falling Asleep
Sweet unintersecting dreams!
xkcd: Understocked
My biology grad student friends tell me that different types of alcohol don't actually have different effects. I trust their expertise, not because of the 'biology' part, but because of the 'grad student'.
xkcd: Marshmallow Gun
Except in reality crossing a stream of marshmallows would create a giant Bill Murray.
xkcd: Making Hash Browns
There are at least fourteen ways this could go badly (seventeen if that fork is a dangerous crossbreed.)
xkcd: It Might Be Cool
'And ovaries. Man, ovaries, huh?' [awkward pause] '... faithfully.'
xkcd: Post Office Showdown
That track ('Battle Without Honor or Humanity') -- like 'Ride of the Valkyries' -- improves *any* activity.