xkcd: Ten Thousand
The boy that had to turn in early – Port Sherry
xkcd: Jump
Or that I'm at least following the curve of the Earth around to land ...
xkcd: Columbus
And thus was smallpox introduced into the previously Undying Lands.
xkcd: Questions
To whoever typed 'why is arwen dying': GOOD. FUCKING. QUESTION.
xkcd: Monster
It was finally destroyed with a nuclear weapon carrying the destructive energy of the Hiroshima bomb.
xkcd: Unquote
I guess it's a saying from the Old Country.
xkcd: Alternate Universe
As best as I can tell, I was transported here from Earth Prime sometime in the late 1990s. Your universe is identical in every way, except for the lobster thing and the thing where some of you occasionally change your clocks for some reason.
xkcd: Shadowfacts
'Look to my coming on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east.' 'And look to the west to see our shadows!'
xkcd: Mess
'Sorry, I left out my glass of water from last night.' OH GOD I APPARENTLY LIVE IN A GARBAGE PIT.