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xkcd: Control
xkcd: Control
Which, at one point, led to a study showing that LSD produces no more hallucinations than a placebo.
xkcd: Control
xkcd: October 30th
xkcd: October 30th
Not enough houses on your block? Just hit them at 30-year intervals from here to 2300 and get 10x the candy.
xkcd: October 30th
xkcd: Devotion to Duty
xkcd: Devotion to Duty
The weird sense of duty really good sysadmins have can border on the sociopathic, but it's nice to know that it stands between the forces of darkness and your cat blog's servers.
xkcd: Devotion to Duty
xkcd: Action Movies
xkcd: Action Movies
By my count, only 48 of the 158 minutes in Live Free or Die Hard have action. That's pathetic, guys. Crank is better, but needs a bigger budget and more Summer Glau.
xkcd: Action Movies