Cecilia/Sophia (Fire Emblem) - Works | Archive of Our Own

Fan Fiction
Sophia (Fire Emblem) - Works | Archive of Our Own
Back for More by sugarnectar
The Anise Drabbles by Anise
Punished by Desire
The One You Never Knew by SunnyStorms
Home and Heart by gidge_8
A Marriage of Convenience by Boogum
Clocks by EclipsedPlanet
The Quick and the Dead by Anise
Judging the Book by serinah
Darkness Quieting: A Sequel To Darkness Dancing by Flighty Temptress
The Whispered Truth by SunnyStorms
Red Ember by aerileigh
The Fire and Ice Archive :: Proudly Flying the Flag of True Love Between the Ferret and the Girl Weasel
Over the Counter: a Dose of DG Drabbles by idreamofdraco
Splinter by cinnamon badge
The Chain by rowan_greenleaf
Under Her Skin by idreamofdraco
Stronger by ReverseBeauty
Snaps and Snails and Draco Tales by Anise
Chaos Theory by haniqua
Three Thousand Outtakes by cinnamon badge
Political Animals by Aquinnah
Red Herring by haniqua
How We Pretend To Feel by cherryredxx
Fascinated by cherryredxx
One Night Stand by Desire
Target by cherryredxx
Of Marriage Laws and Liberal Feminism by haniqua