Inside the Blackest Heart by Ms_Figg

Fan Fiction
Tempting the Wolf by Solas_Divided
For A Price by pelespen
The Master's Tool by DarkRiverTempest
Granger Enchanted :: To Enchant the Bookworm
A Refreshing Change by Illuminare
Fool Me by Solas_Divided
Just Friends by pelespen
Seeking the Enemy by Solas_Divided
Secrets by Solas_Divided
Paid In Full by JadeCharmer
Granger Black Drabble Challenges by pelespen
Granger Enchanted :: To Enchant the Bookworm
Dangerous by blacklotus
A Woman for Hire by aling
The Pairing Hat by elidally82
Sweet Release by Fairyxo
Unexpected Turn of Events by Solas_Divided
Power Play by OKDeanna
Hope's Span is Long by LiteraryBeauty
Stolen Moments by luvsev
Granger Enchanted :: Ms_Figg
Tribute by lorcalon
It Happened One Night by aleysiasnape
A Dangerous Game by horcruxnumber8
Romances by Roadkill2580
For the Potions Master's Amusement by snape_submiss
Virgin Sacrifice by Solas_Divided
Cimmerian Devotion by Solas_Divided
Prisms of Darkness by SerpentInRed