Pendulum by Pentecost

Fan Fiction
Life and Times Of a Part-Time Superhero? by Alexei
Never Meant to Change by silvernight22
How to Organize and Write A CYOA by HatedLove6
Can fairies bleed? by Rau-san
A Thousand Years by Rougeberry
Luck Be A Lady by Shihaisha
Addiction by fireofblood
Give Your Heart A Break by SacredTear
Water to the Soul by PerfectFourth
Live Wire by The-Poet
Emmett's bad day by madaboutforks
//It is only a story - [Loves Loss]
shadowglove88 - Lex 1/1
chloe_lex: Off To See The Wizard 1/1
shadowglove88 - Lionel Luthor Attends A Wedding 1/1
chloe_lex: Dreaming Of Making Her Mine; Smallville; Chloe/Lex, Clark, Lana; PG-13
FictionAlley Park - February Challenge
FictionAlley Park - February 2007 Challenge - [Dung Schnoogles Nic: Death Ensues] [G]
sam_storyteller: The Three Trials of Severus Snape (Radio Play, PG, Gen).
The Dark Arts - Standing Up to be Counted (Chapter 1)
Astronomy Tower - A Different World (Story Text)
Astronomy Tower - Ginny's War (Story Text)
FictionAlley Park - SUBJECT:January 2007 Challenge - [Ernie Prang and the Howdy Hall Tale] [G]
FictionAlley Park - January 2007 Challenge (Rabid Weasels, stoned Ferrets and BBwithBH) (PG-13)
Crazy for This Girl by sly_princess
peskywhistpaw: A Memo to Pansy Parkinson
inell: Fic: Seville (Hermione/Draco)
Reconsidering the day (the generations of ink remix) - Zooey_Glass - Harry Potter - Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Double Trouble by MissMurder