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My Dear, My Love - Fantasy Magazine
My Dear, My Love - Fantasy Magazine
It takes a Black woman to tell the truth about another Black woman, whether she likes that woman or not. If the woman in question is loved, the story reaches mythological heights, she could do no wrong, she was brown skinned and beautiful, intelligent, had all her faculties and her teeth, all the men and women of the neighborhood called her by a term of endearment, which is how Medea morphed into Ma鈥橠ear.
My Dear, My Love - Fantasy Magazine
Blue - Fantasy Magazine
Blue - Fantasy Magazine
It's so dark. Black-orange-bloody-bruised. Flashlights throw long beams across the sand. Police lights flicker blue and red, blue and red, blue and red, and the Ferris wheel on the pier glows an obscene neon. No one thought to turn off the calliope. It echoes off the empty boardwalk, cheerfully macabre.
Blue - Fantasy Magazine