PodCastle Miniature 102: What the Sea Reaps, We Must Provide - PodCastle
PodCastle 691: The Healer of Branford - PodCastle
PodCastle 596: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 1
The Satyr of Brandenburg By Charlotte Ashley By the inebriated light of dawn, October the 23rd, 1700, a swarthy figure skulked in the rosebushes lining the Villa del Sulcis, outside the Sardinian town…
PodCastle 501: The Christmas Abomination from Beyond the Back of the Stars - PodCastle
The Christmas Abomination from Beyond the Back of the Stars By Heather Shaw and Tim Pratt “Mele Kalikimaka!” Uncle Ray shouted as Trish rushed down the steps from the little plane, sucking in great gasps of island air. The plane smelled like the trapped farts of three boys (maybe four; she wasn’t sure if the …
PodCastle 458, ARTEMIS RISING: Home is a House That Loves You - PodCastle
Home is a House That Loves You by Rachael K. Jones Before the war with Apsides, I wanted to be like my Aunt Martha, who at the age of forty five stepped into an abandoned lot near Aurora’s city center, buried her toes in dirt, stretched up her arms, and became a skyscraper. Her legs …
PodCastle 488: Crossing - PodCastle
Crossing by A. C. Wise Emma Rose is four years old the first time she enters the ocean alone. All her life, she’s lived with the beach at the end of her street. Her parents carried her into the waves the week she was born. When she learned to stand, they taught her to float. …
PC 464: Needle Mouth - PodCastle
Needle Mouth by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam When Hana Samsa woke from a fevered nap one afternoon, she found that she had been transformed into an enormous mosquito. At the foot of her bed, her tiny legs thumped against an empty bottle of Becherovka; she’d pushed it there that morning after licking the last particles …
PodCastle 456: Mateus Goes Higher - PodCastle
Mateus Goes Higher by Natalia Theodoridou Mateus can no longer see the ground from the top of his tower. He calls it a tower somewhat pompously, as in reality it is but a crooked structure made of scavenged materials stacked higher and higher towards the sky. But what is he supposed to call it? A …
PC 470: The Thirty-Seven Faces of Tokh-Bathon - PodCastle
The Thirty-Seven Faces of Tokh-Bathon by Effie Seiberg I’ve counted eleven thousand, six hundred and fifty-two tiny soldiers carved in marble relief on the outer walls that ring the temple, though I’ve only named seventeen of them. Each one has a pointed headpiece, a carved cloth sampot, and at least one weapon. In preparation for …
PodCastle 451: Or Be Forever Fallen - PodCastle
Or Be Forever Fallen by A. Merc Rustad The raven’s ghost follows first. It’s not a surprise, if I’m honest. I killed a raven once —intentional, cruel — some time ago. (I don’t remember why.) At first I saw it in the distance while I prowled the ruins of the once-majestic forest, hunting the men …
PodCastle 481: What the Fires Burn - PodCastle
What the Fires Burn by A. Merc Rustad It’s near dusk when VanDrake Tage Rannheim trudges into the city to meet a friend. He sticks to the lee of buildings, smog and shadow wrapping his coat. Don’t like a lot of attention. Can’t help it, mostly, but he keeps his greatcoat pulled closed to conceal weapons. …
PodCastle 453: A Spirited Education - PodCastle
A Spirited Education by Toni Pi Incense smoke drifted through the air in the apothecary like ribbons of kelp. The good doctor was brooding over an anatomy manual at his desk, reading by the light of his oil lamp. I summoned my courage, entered uninvited, and bowed deep. “Teacher, I’ve come to resume my lessons.” …
PodCastle Miniature 99: Ghost of the Shoals - PodCastle
Ghost of the Shoals By Sandra M. Odell Pharah Dupree always wore her hair up tight. “You ever hear of Muscle Shoals, Manny?” she said one afternoon. We sat on the back porch steps of Rock Bottom Studios, her with a cigarette, me with a longneck Bud, thinking about how good it’d feel if she …
PodCastle 489: Emshalur’s Hand Stays - PodCastle
Emshalur’s Hand Stays By Anaea Lay I returned to Irishem with three sources of power: a letter from Kelian, a clear memory of why I left, and the space between my hands. The letter proved my right to enter as a citizen at the outer gate. It also got me past the boy keeping Kelian’s …
PodCastle 490: The Names of the Sky - PodCastle
The Names of the Sky by Matthew Claxton Zoya wished one of her flying instructors could have seen her land on that muddy field. Always she had been criticized for her landings. “Light as a feather in the air, lands like a brick,” one had written on his assessment. But this time she brought the …
PodCastle 454: Godfather - PodCastle
Godfather by Megan Arkenberg Today is your fourteenth birthday, and your godfather is coming to visit. You know because your mother is wearing a dress, a frilly lime-colored affair that certain magazine editors would refer to as a “confection,” and attempting to bake a pie. The tiny counter overflows with paper sacks of flower and …
PC 476: Clay and Smokeless Fire - PodCastle
Clay and Smokeless Fire By Saladin Ahmed Qumqam stood upside-down atop a cell phone tower, twirling at its pinnacle on his fingertip. When the humans had first started to besmirch the earth with the things, Qumqam had thought them hideous. But he’d come to love dancing on them the way he’d once loved dancing on …
PodCastle 679: Pull
PodCastle 681: TALES FROM THE VAULTS Wolfy Things
PodCastle 682: TALES FROM THE VAULTS Without Faith Without Law Without Joy
PodCastle 683: Three for Hers
PodCastle 684: In the Dim Below
PodCastle 685: Love Your Flatmate
PodCastle 686: Guardian of the Gods
PodCastle 687: In September
PodCastle 688: Aeaea on the Seas
PodCastle 689: Gitl Schneiderman Learns to Live With Her In-Laws
PodCastle 690: The Gannet Girl
PodCastle 601: A Thousand Tongues of Silver - PodCastle
A Thousand Tongues of Silver By Kate Heartfield I am a book. My pages are purple. This is how they made me. First, they flayed the calves, stretched and scraped their wet skins. Then they mixed lichen and leaves, rotted in human urine, to mimic the purple that comes of torturing sea snails to force …
PodCastle 554: Hosting the Solstice - PodCastle
PodCastle 554: Hosting the Solstice