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PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 1 - PodCastle
PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 1 - PodCastle
PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 1 Author : Shari Paul Narrator : Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published by Fiyah Lit Mag Issue 5. Rated PG-13. The Epic of Sa… The moon was a pale, golden disc in a lavender sky. Sakina, in a brilliant blue caftan that brought out the colour in her skin and eyes, strummed her kora a few times to check the tuning. via Pocket
PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 1 - PodCastle
PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 2 - PodCastle
PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 2 - PodCastle
PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 2 Author : Shari Paul Narrator : Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published by Fiyah Lit Mag Issue 5. Rated PG-13. The Epic of Sa… The ride back to her father’s house had never felt so long, doubly so under Naima’s interrogation. Sometime during the wait for Sakina’s return at the barracks, Naima had spoken to a few of the guards and decided that Leif was a djinn. via Pocket
PodCastle 608: The Epic of Sakina — Part 2 - PodCastle
PodCastle 606: River's Giving - PodCastle
PodCastle 606: River's Giving - PodCastle
PodCastle 606: River’s Giving Authors : Heather Shaw, Tim Pratt and River Shaw Narrator : Kyle Akers Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : KT Bryski Discuss on Forums PodCastle 606: River’s Giving is a PodCastle original. Rated PG for jolly old… Once upon a time, there was a boy named Alexander who lived in a village by a river in a valley in the shadow of a mountain. Every year when the days grew short and the air grew cold and the snow fell, the village would hold a celebration called Riv… PodCastle 606 River's Giving - PodCastle via Instapaper
PodCastle 606: River's Giving - PodCastle
PodCastle 610: Charlemagne and Florent - PodCastle
PodCastle 610: Charlemagne and Florent - PodCastle
PodCastle 610: Charlemagne and Florent Author : Ranylt Richildis Narrator : Dominik Parisien Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums First published by Myths Inscribed. Rated PG. Charlemagne and Florent By Rany… This is what happened to les deux bretons before I met them, back in the 70s when they were boys in Vannes. One was abandoned at nineteen months (no one knows why, or by whom), the other orphaned by a car wreck at age three. via Pocket
PodCastle 610: Charlemagne and Florent - PodCastle
For Your Consideration: PodCastle Award Eligibility 2019 - PodCastle
For Your Consideration: PodCastle Award Eligibility 2019 - PodCastle
For Your Consideration: PodCastle Award Eligibility 2019 In 2019, PodCastle produced 15 original stories and 33 reprints. For your consideration, we present the Escape Artists stories which are eligible for nomination in the upcoming award season. … In 2019, PodCastle produced 14 original stories and 34 reprints. For your consideration, we present the Escape Artists stories which are eligible for nomination in the upcoming award season. PodCastle itself is eligible for the Best Semiprozine Hugo…
For Your Consideration: PodCastle Award Eligibility 2019 - PodCastle
PodCastle 611: Yo, Rapunzel! - PodCastle
PodCastle 611: Yo, Rapunzel! - PodCastle
PodCastle 611: Yo, Rapunzel! Author : Kyle Kirrin Narrators : Alasdair Stuart, C. L. Clark, Setsu Uzume, Matt Dovey, Jen R. Albert, Peter Behravesh and Mur Lafferty Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums PodCastl… Yo, Rapunzel! And lo, the Princess said: “Motherfucker, I am content.” “But Princess!” said the Knight, from the base of the Princess’ tower. His armor-clad ass was parked atop a huge black stallion, which the Princess found not only pompous, but en… PodCastle 611 Yo, Rapunzel! - PodCastle via Instapaper
PodCastle 611: Yo, Rapunzel! - PodCastle
PodCastle 612: She Searches for God in the Storm Within - PodCastle
PodCastle 612: She Searches for God in the Storm Within - PodCastle
PodCastle 612: She Searches for God in the Storm Within Author : Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali Narrator : Stephanie Malia Morris Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Originally published in Sword and Sonnet. Content warning: domestic v… When I arrived at my grandmother’s, in the stillness of predawn, like some restless cat stalking, she was waiting for me on the front porch. It was as if she’d been expecting me. I suppose if she had been watching the sky, she was, because I could b…
PodCastle 612: She Searches for God in the Storm Within - PodCastle
PodCastle 613: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — Hoywverch - PodCastle
PodCastle 613: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — Hoywverch - PodCastle
PodCastle 613: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — Hoywverch Author : Heather Rose Jones Narrator : Sarah Goleman Host : C. L. Clark Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums This story was a PodCastle original that aired back in 2015. Rated PG.… Elin verch Gwir Goch oed yn arglwydes ar Cantref Madruniawn wrth na bo i’w thad na meibion na brodyr. A threigylgweith dyvot yn y medwl vynet y hela. Ac wrth dilyt y cwn, hi a glywei llef gwylan. Ac edrych i fyny arni yn troi, a synnu wrthi. A’y the…
PodCastle 613: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — Hoywverch - PodCastle
PodCastle 614: White Noon - PodCastle
PodCastle 614: White Noon - PodCastle
PodCastle 614: White Noon Author : Aidan Doyle Narrator : Julie Hoverson Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums PodCastle 614: White Noon is a PodCastle original. Rated PG-13. White Noon By Aidan Doyle The do… The dogs’ barking let me know I had visitors. I reluctantly left my chair by the fire, pulled on my boots, and took my thundergun from its place on the wall. I rarely had any visitors apart from Magnus, which was how the dogs and I liked it. via Poc…
PodCastle 614: White Noon - PodCastle
PodCastle 589: The Horrible Deaths of Helga Hrafnsdóttir - PodCastle
PodCastle 589: The Horrible Deaths of Helga Hrafnsdóttir - PodCastle
PodCastle 589: The Horrible Deaths of Helga Hrafnsdóttir Author : Christine Tyler Narrator : Sigríður Gunnarsdóttir Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums PodCastle 589: The Horrible Deaths of Helga Hrafnsdóttir … The day Helga Hrafnsdóttir went up the Ævilok tree, the entire village held its breath. From the time of her birth, the Ævilok that grew beside Helga’s home had sprouted the most horrible flowers. via Pocket
PodCastle 589: The Horrible Deaths of Helga Hrafnsdóttir - PodCastle
PC 594: The Deliverers of Their Country - PodCastle
PC 594: The Deliverers of Their Country - PodCastle
PC 594: The Deliverers of Their Country The Deliverers of Their Country By E. Nesbit It all began with Effie’s getting something in her eye. It hurt very much indeed, and it felt something like a red-hot spark — only it seemed to have legs as wel… The Deliverers of Their Country By E. Nesbit It all began with Effie’s getting something in her eye. It hurt very much indeed, and it felt something like a red-hot spark — only it seemed to have legs as well, and wings like a fly. via Pocket
PC 594: The Deliverers of Their Country - PodCastle
PodCastle 595: The Feast - PodCastle
PodCastle 595: The Feast - PodCastle
PodCastle 595: The Feast Author : K.C. Mead-Brewer Narrator : Jen R. Albert Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published by Carve Magazine. Content warning for violence against women, suicide, and… The Feast By K.C. Mead-Brewer We took Emmaline on what promised to be a particularly stormy night. It wasn’t hard to do, especially since all the police and alarm company people were right there in the mob with us. via Pocket
PodCastle 595: The Feast - PodCastle
PodCastle 596: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 1 - PodCastle
PodCastle 596: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 1 - PodCastle
PodCastle 596: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 1 Author : Charlotte Ashley Narrator : Setsu Uzume Host : Matt Dovey Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March-Apr… By the inebriated light of dawn, October the 23rd, 1700, a swarthy figure skulked in the rosebushes lining the Villa del Sulcis, outside the Sardinian town of Soleminis. The lurker clambered onto the tavern’s windowsill muttering badly hushed curses… via FREE Fiction / PodCastle 596 The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 1 - PodCastle via Instapaper
PodCastle 596: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 1 - PodCastle
PodCastle 597: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 2 - PodCastle
PodCastle 597: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 2 - PodCastle
PodCastle 597: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 2 Author : Charlotte Ashley Narrator : Setsu Uzume Host : Matt Dovey Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March-Apr… Donshead Doombellows accompanied La Héron to confront Piacere, for she knew better than to go alone. “Witnesses,” she told the ogre. “We can remember each other. That will help.” via Pocket
PodCastle 597: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 2 - PodCastle
PodCastle 598: The Sound of His Voice Like the Colour of Salt - PodCastle
PodCastle 598: The Sound of His Voice Like the Colour of Salt - PodCastle
PodCastle 598: The Sound of His Voice Like the Colour of Salt Author : L. Chan Narrator : Leeman Kessler  Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published by The Dark. Rated PG-13 for ghosts and the t… The Sound of His Voice Like the Colour of Salt By L. Chan The ghost boy was the colour of bone, of gossamer spider web, of salt trails of dried tears. He still had his shape, his outline. via Pocket
PodCastle 598: The Sound of His Voice Like the Colour of Salt - PodCastle
PodCastle 599: The Two-Choice Foxtrot of Chapham County - PodCastle
PodCastle 599: The Two-Choice Foxtrot of Chapham County - PodCastle
PodCastle 599: The Two-Choice Foxtrot of Chapham County Author : Tina Connolly Narrator : Julie Hoverson Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published by The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, S… There were two things we girls all knew that summer. One, that Tony Latham had turned into the finest drink of water ever to strut this two-bit one-horse no-account town. via Pocket
PodCastle 599: The Two-Choice Foxtrot of Chapham County - PodCastle
PodCastle 600: Flash Fiction Extravaganza — Flash Fiction Contest V - PodCastle
PodCastle 600: Flash Fiction Extravaganza — Flash Fiction Contest V - PodCastle
PodCastle 600: Flash Fiction Extravaganza — Flash Fiction Contest V Authors : Nathan Susnik, Michelle Muenzler, KT Bryski and R. K. Duncan Narrators : Kai Hudson, Philippa Ballantine, Jen R. Albert and Wilson Fowlie Host : Craig Jackson Discuss … The Cost of the Revolution in Three Marvelous Confections By R. K. Duncan . . . Do you know what we really lost when Tarvagost’s corpse went over the railing and we got the republic? I managed an invitation to the Spire that last night. I was out on…
PodCastle 600: Flash Fiction Extravaganza — Flash Fiction Contest V - PodCastle
PodCastle 591: His Giant Heartbeat - PodCastle
PodCastle 591: His Giant Heartbeat - PodCastle
PodCastle 591: His Giant Heartbeat Author : Natalia Theodoridou Narrator : C. A. Yates Host : Jen R. Albert Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums PodCastle 591: His Giant Heartbeat is a PodCastle original. Rated PG-13. His Giant… I smoke with my back to the caravan while I wait for B and his client to finish. It’s a drippy afternoon, deep in the fenlands. We’ve parked the caravan next to a mere, marshy and rotten green. via Pocket
PodCastle 591: His Giant Heartbeat - PodCastle
PodCastle 592: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — The Axiom of Choice - PodCastle
PodCastle 592: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — The Axiom of Choice - PodCastle
PodCastle 592: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — The Axiom of Choice Author : David W. Goldman Narrator : Eric Luke Host : Craig Jackson Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Originally appeared in The New Haven Review, Winter 2011. Rated … The three of you have lingered outside the darkened club an hour beyond the show’s end. Your palms rest atop your guitar case, which stands vertical before you on the cracked sidewalk. via Pocket
PodCastle 592: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — The Axiom of Choice - PodCastle
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary - PodCastle
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary - PodCastle
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary Author : A.E. Prevost Narrator : Lisa Hicks Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published in Sword and Sonnet, edited by E Catherine Tobler, Aidan Doyle and Racha… Labyrinth, Sanctuary By A.E. Prevost Constance carves her timeworn tracks into the thirsty rock. With silent steps her footfalls smooth the stone, century into century, grooves and gullies growing green as time and seed take hold. via Pocket
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary - PodCastle
PodCastle 593: Balloon Man - PodCastle
PodCastle 593: Balloon Man - PodCastle
PodCastle 593: Balloon Man Balloon Man By Shiv Ramdas If it hadn’t been for the camel, Mithun might never have noticed the old balloon seller at all. He almost didn’t notice the camel either. If he’d been looking for it, he probably wouldn’t have… If it hadn’t been for the camel, Mithun might never have noticed the old balloon seller at all. He almost didn’t notice the camel either. If he’d been looking for it, he probably wouldn’t have. via Pocket
PodCastle 593: Balloon Man - PodCastle
PodCastle 581: Fathoms Deep and Fathoms Cold - PodCastle
PodCastle 581: Fathoms Deep and Fathoms Cold - PodCastle
PodCastle 581: Fathoms Deep and Fathoms Cold Author : Merc Fenn Wolfmoor Narrator : Brian Murphy Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Submerged anthology, edited by S.C. Butler and Joshua Palmatier.  Content w… Fathoms Deep and Fathoms Cold By A. Merc Rustad Tage lights a cigarette and watches the man in the scarlet fedora come nearer. Hat like that’s hard to miss. This one’s his contact. His heartbeat gets quick. The docks are loud, briny, thick with bodi…
PodCastle 581: Fathoms Deep and Fathoms Cold - PodCastle
PodCastle 582: Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic - PodCastle
PodCastle 582: Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic - PodCastle
PodCastle 582: Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic Author : José Pablo Iriarte Narrator : Karlo Yeager Rodríguez Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published by Strange Horizons. Rated: PG-13, for h… Cleaning up graffiti was an everyday job for Sergio, pero esto . . . Could you even call this graffiti? Graffiti normally was spray-painted. Wait — that wasn’t true. Indoor graffiti typically was done in permanent marker. via Pocket
PodCastle 582: Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic - PodCastle
PodCastle 583: The Resurrectionist - PodCastle
PodCastle 583: The Resurrectionist - PodCastle
PodCastle 583: The Resurrectionist Author : J. P. Sullivan Narrator : Wilson Fowlie Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published in the August 2017 issue of Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicin… The Resurrectionist “Yes, I can bring your wife back from the dead,” I told the farmer, who had reasonable doubts about my abilities. “Just realize that it might not be what she wants.” “She wants to see her children again,” he said. He’d told me hi…
PodCastle 583: The Resurrectionist - PodCastle
PodCastle 584: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — In Metal, In Bone - PodCastle
PodCastle 584: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — In Metal, In Bone - PodCastle
PodCastle 584: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — In Metal, In Bone Author : An Owomoyela Narrator : MarBelle Host : C. L. Clark Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Originally published in Eclipse Online. You can read it here! Rated R, fo… Colonel Gabriel met him in a circle of canvas-topped trucks, in an army jacket despite the heat of the sun.  he stood a head taller than Benine, with skin as dark as peat coal, with terrible scarring on one side of his jaw. via Pocket
PodCastle 584: TALES FROM THE VAULTS — In Metal, In Bone - PodCastle
British Fantasy Award Shortlist! - PodCastle
British Fantasy Award Shortlist! - PodCastle
British Fantasy Award Shortlist! The dragon is getting stuffed on celebratory cake this week! The British Fantasy Society shortlist has been announced and PodCastle and PseudoPod have both been nominated under the Best Audio category! Also, Alasda… The dragon is getting stuffed on celebratory cake this week! The British Fantasy Society shortlist has been announced and PodCastle and PseudoPod have both been nominated under the Best Audio category! via Pocket British Fantasy Award Shortlist! - PodCastle via Instapaper
British Fantasy Award Shortlist! - PodCastle
PodCastle 585: Getaway - PodCastle
PodCastle 585: Getaway - PodCastle
PodCastle 585: Getaway Author : Jennifer Hudak Narrator : Jen R. Albert Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums PodCastle 585: Getaway is a PodCastle original. Content warnings for disordered eating, body dysmorp… Ten days after her family installed themselves in their summer cottage on Greenpenny Lake, Leena separated from her body for the first time. She peeled from herself like a sticker from its backing, and hovered inches from the ceiling. via Pocket
PodCastle 585: Getaway - PodCastle