Escape Pod 840: The Tyrant Lizard (and Her Plus One) / Alien Invader or Assistive Device?

Fictional Worlds
Escape Pod 832: Mouthfeel
Escape Pod 833: The Heroine Kokofe | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 834: Anticipation of Hollowness
Escape Pod 830: Rena in the Desert
In search of the lost city - 365tomorrows
Author: Vruti Naik Captivated by the ancient tales of Atlantis and its enigmatic creatures, Dr Alan was determined to unravel the mystery and locate the fabled city. He had developed a ground-breaking technology – a program capable of holographic reconstruction, tapping into something known as elemental and environmental memory. Gathering a skilled crew for his […]
The Zoo Diaries I – Frances Pauli
The Rainriver Zoological Gardens are fully licensed and operate in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act and the Endangered Species Act, which set minimum standards for the care and keeping of ani…
A Wielder Does Not Know Regret – Katherine Karch
You are walking down a winter road that carves a gentle arc through a forest of hemlock and fir.
A Garden for Eden - 365tomorrows
Author: W.F. Peate “No regrets using the hydrogen bomb General?” asked the reporter. “We saved lives. Their surrender stopped further bloodshed.” “Why didn’t you use the less destructive atomic bomb? Ninety percent fewer deaths.” General Liana crossed her arms over the silk leashes of her medals. “The Americans needed two atomic bombs to convince the […]
The Reaping - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer We’d all seen the predictions, and everyone had seen at least one post-apocalyptic movie or series. Some of us were foolish enough to think we were ready. No matter which flavour of apocalypse story preferred, we’d all missed one critical point. Hatred. The two decades leading up to the final […]
PodCastle 799: A Change of Clothes - PodCastle
A Change of Clothes By Derek Des Anges Security at the Bellside Gym and Leisure Centre was, in the opinion of Ivan Kles, a joke. Just as an example, like, he’d been able to walk right into the changing rooms and lockers where everyone kept their stuff without having a gym pass and without anyone […]
Concentrated Data - 365tomorrows
Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Abby woke with a start, a conversation with someone vaguely familiar against a kaleidoscope oceanview suddenly vanishing, dulcet tones replaced with a hockey organ ringtone her ex had programmed that couldn’t seem to be exorcised from her phone. “Good morning, you’ll want to get a robe on, our package is […]
My Mother Rearranges Strangers’ Lives in the Dark - Electric Literature
"None of That" from SEVEN EMPTY HOUSES by Samanta Schweblin, recommended by Lynn Steger Strong
Secrets Live Inside My Son’s Ears - Electric Literature
"The Oracle" by Joanna Pearson, recommended by Wynter K Miller for Electric Literature
Teaching My Son to Swim While I Drown - Electric Literature
"Madwomen" from EVERY DROP IS A MAN'S NIGHTMARE by Megan Kamalei Kakimoto, recommended by Molly Antopol
My Dear, My Love - Fantasy Magazine
It takes a Black woman to tell the truth about another Black woman, whether she likes that woman or not. If the woman in question is loved, the story reaches mythological heights, she could do no wrong, she was brown skinned and beautiful, intelligent, had all her faculties and her teeth, all the men and women of the neighborhood called her by a term of endearment, which is how Medea morphed into Ma’Dear.
PodCastle 800: D.I.Y. - PodCastle
D.I.Y. By John Wiswell People ask how Noah could possibly turn down the Ozymandias Academy. All they know about him is the headlines, and they think he’s ungrateful. What you don’t get is that attending Ozymandias was Noah’s dream. Noah wanted it worse than anyone. Do you know where he was when he was […]
City of Light: Origins - 365tomorrows
Author: Maria Brekke Myrna zipped toward the city. A ten-ton mosquito pursued her, wings drumming annihilation. Colony security was rudimentary, but her kidnapping had raised insectile alarms. She leaned hard across her hoverboard, praying her cargo was secure as she banked. The mosquito’s three-meter proboscis stabbed the air to her side. Myrna straightened, ready to […]
Long Legs of Summer - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Summer’s long legs, the daylight stretching late in almost eternal dusk. They sat on the back stoop, the three friends fixed on the glow of the horizon, city and sky, a widening maw ready to devour them. They were not a poetic group. Hyperbole and metaphor did not register in their gazes, though […]
Reddit, Tell Me Where I Went Wrong - Electric Literature
"AITA for Repairing My Neighbor's House?" a short story by Marian Crotty
A Hoagie by Any Other Name Makes Me Just as Hungry - Electric Literature
"Tonya," a short story by Bowie Rowan
The Pitha Seller of Qismat Square, by Maria Hossain
Every winter, right after the sun sets, the pitha seller of Qismat Square arrives at her spot. Nobody knows her name or age. She is “khala” or “nani” to those who like her, and “hag” or “old bat” t…
Strange Horizons - Those Who Smuggle Themselves Into Slivermoon By Varsha Dinesh
In his early days in slivermoon, Saki worked the phone lines. Companies in slivermoon stressed in prestige magazines and press releases that it was too hard for them to employ bodies. Bodies were e…
The Zoo Diaries II – Frances Pauli
The gates are choked with visitors the morning after the video goes viral.
Lunar Drifter, by Eliane Boey
“They’re ready for you, Captain,” says the voice interface of the Orbiting Transfer Station. The glass in front of me is opaque, and I can’t see into the holding room. My heart sprouts wings and be…
Escape Pod 914: #buttonsinweirdplaces (Part 2 of 2)
Continued from Part 1) The news the following morning was bad. An explosion in the middle of a market-square in Libya had been variously blamed upon a suicide-bomber and upon over-zealous security…
Love at the Event Horizon - Uncanny Magazine
I never thought I’d want to make a film about the Lost Countrymen and the ghosts that haunt their ship. It’s been years since my brief time with them, but how could I forget them, the ghosts muttering to themselves about worlds long gone? Eyes starry wide, dreaming of a future Earth that would receive […]
Headhunting - Reactor
A private eye plagued by hallucinations is hired to retrieve a mummified monk’s head stolen from a cathedral--but why would someone want it?
The Excursionist of JCPenney – Chris Panatier
Lorraine sat in the passenger seat of the Buick with four flat tires, applying her usual shade of lipstick.
A Life of Color – N.V. Haskell
Last fall’s decaying leaves shifted beneath my feet as I crossed the yard.