Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
En Plein Air by J. T. Glover A gust of wind boiled off the James without warning, flattening cattails and clumps of spikerush as it swirled around the inlet where I was painting, and of course it caught my canvas. The morning’s work rushed away from me like a sailboat before a storm, taking my […]
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt “You ever can’t sleep?” the trucker said. Forsyth glanced up out of his thoughts. The man standing at his table was big and worn out, his eyes raw and heavy even in the shadow of his cap’s bill. He had a young face with an old beard matted on the […]
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Ten Things I Didn’t Do By Maria Haskins I didn’t die. I promised you I wouldn’t, so I didn’t. I know you said the words in jest when you dropped me off at school, “Don’t die, honey!”, with that hoarse laugh and sideways wink you do, but I rolled my eyes and said “OK, mom, […]
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Laal Andhi - Nightmare Magazine
Laal Andhi - Nightmare Magazine
On the 7th of July, 2005, while threading through heat-drowsed traffic near Bhatta Chowk, I nearly ran over a pedestrian dashing across the road. The man was tall, lanky, bearded. He wore a white prayer cap, dusky shalwar kameez, and a navy blue sweater bulging around his chest. He didn’t flinch when the wheels screeched and the bumper lurched to a halt inches from his torso; just cocked his head, as if listening to something distant, leaped across the manhole by the sidewalk, and disappeared in the crowd.
Laal Andhi - Nightmare Magazine
Who Binds and Looses the World with Her Hands - Nightmare Magazine
Who Binds and Looses the World with Her Hands - Nightmare Magazine
On days when Selene locked me in the lighthouse, an old familiar darkness would well up within me, itching my skin like it had shrunk too tight to contain my anger any longer. I had grown accustomed to the rage’s ebb and flow, sometimes bubbling near the surface, sometimes dormant as a seed awaiting the right time to break open. But it always rose to high tide on my days of confinement. I knew better than to complain to Selene.
Who Binds and Looses the World with Her Hands - Nightmare Magazine
Little Widow - Nightmare Magazine
Little Widow - Nightmare Magazine
I was fourteen and at a sleepover when the cult drank poison. The sleepover mom turned on the TV and said “Oh my lord, Mary, would you look at this? It’s the feds is what, and a bomb, right out there where you come from.” But it wasn’t the feds, and it wasn’t a bomb. It was us. We were destined to die. I watched it burn, and listened to the news call us a cult, which was not what we called ourselves. We called ourselves Heaven’s Avengers. I watched it for a while, and then I threw up hamburger casserole.
Little Widow - Nightmare Magazine
Four Haunted Houses - Nightmare Magazine
Four Haunted Houses - Nightmare Magazine
This is your haunted house. The realtor was very perceptive the day you first came by, looking for a home that would provide more than mere shelter, a haven that would instead be an expression of your love of eccentricity and strangeness for its own sake, a place special and unique. She saw in the two of you young professionals a pair of people with the right proportion of rationality and imagination, the kind of folks who would be delighted by spooky old legends without being frightened off by them.
Four Haunted Houses - Nightmare Magazine
The Show - Nightmare Magazine
The Show - Nightmare Magazine
The camera crew struggled with the twisting, narrow stairs. Their kit was portable, Steadicams being all the rage. They were lucky that the nature of their work did not require more light. Shadows added atmosphere. Dark corners added depth. It was cold down in the cellar. It turned their breath to mist, which gathered in the stark white pools shed by the bare bulbs overhead. Martha smiled. It was sublime. Television gold. Tonight there’d been a crowd. Word had got out.
The Show - Nightmare Magazine
Cruel Sistah - Nightmare Magazine
Cruel Sistah - Nightmare Magazine
“You and Neville goin out again?” “I think so. He asked could he call me Thursday after class.” Calliope looked down at her sister’s long, straight, silky hair. It fanned out over Calliope’s knees and fell almost to the floor, a black river drying up just short of its destined end. “Why don’t you let me wash this for you?” “It takes too long to dry. Just braid it up like you said, okay?” “Your head all fulla dandruff,” Calliope lied. “And ain’t you ever heard of a hair dryer? Mary Lockett lent me her portable.”
Cruel Sistah - Nightmare Magazine
Wish You Were Here - Nightmare Magazine
Wish You Were Here - Nightmare Magazine
“Tell us a ghost story,” said one of the women, the pouty one, the one named Melissa. She was the nice, friendly one for now, the one asking questions, the one who wanted to stop at every little roadside fruit stall and pose next to every possibly rabid monkey, but Dimas knew this kind of tourist. Eventually, she was going to exhaust herself, and then—fueled by a high metabolism and the vengeance of unmet expectations—she was going to become his worst enemy.
Wish You Were Here - Nightmare Magazine
The Cellar Dweller - Nightmare Magazine
The Cellar Dweller - Nightmare Magazine
Buildings were built, in the beginning, everyone knows, to hold the dead down. Every cellar floor was built over the ceiling of something else. Now cellars are used for all sorts of purposes. Roots. Paint cans. Pantries. Workshops. Other. There’s a rhyme someone invented for children. It’s chanted in nurseries in the Banisher’s town. The nurseries are upholstered in chintz, and the walls are padded, as though they’re asylums and the babies inmates.
The Cellar Dweller - Nightmare Magazine