Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

PodCastle 775: “The Morthouse” - PodCastle
PodCastle 775: “The Morthouse” - PodCastle
The Morthouse by Maria Haskins   In her forty-two years on God’s wide Earth, Gerda has read no books other than The Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism, but once, after Sunday service, she heard the sexton say that there are places where the dead traverse a river after death, paying a boatsman to ferry them across the water. Gerda […]
PodCastle 775: “The Morthouse” - PodCastle
PodCastle 774: Yung Lich and the Dance of Death - PodCastle
PodCastle 774: Yung Lich and the Dance of Death - PodCastle
Yung Lich and the Dance of Death By Alex Fox   My Christian name was Thomas Kanfor but ever since that bastard wizard rose me from the grave I go by Yung Lich. On that moonless night he spoke some words from a tattered grimoire over my naked, somewhat-recently-dead corpse and voila, here I am. […]
PodCastle 774: Yung Lich and the Dance of Death - PodCastle
Memories - 365tomorrows
Memories - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer You walk out the door and I can’t help but smile. Sure enough, you slam it, then shriek as the last remnant of wall topples your way. The door frame had been the only thing keeping it upright. The cloud of dust goes away on the breeze to reveal you […]
Memories - 365tomorrows
January 2023 Metacast - PodCastle
January 2023 Metacast - PodCastle
Presenters: Marguerite Kenner and Alasdair Stuart Hey folks, welcome to an Escape Artists metacast. I’m Marguerite Kenner. And I’m Alasdair Stuart. For those of you who have never heard a metacast before, think of this like a mini State of the Union address, a way for us to update you about what’s been happening at EA. The […]
January 2023 Metacast - PodCastle
PodCastle 772: "Mama uat-ur" - PodCastle
PodCastle 772: "Mama uat-ur" - PodCastle
Mama uat-ur By Z. K. Abraham   Pressing her forearms against the first-floor window’s metal frame, Temesghen watched aegean-blue waves splash against the concrete walls, searching for another flash of the being’s presence in the sea below. The stars were partially shrouded by the clouds; the sky was a milky greenish swirl like rotting leaves and […]
PodCastle 772: "Mama uat-ur" - PodCastle
Starter Library – Luke Mitchell Books
Starter Library – Luke Mitchell Books
–The Official– Luke Mitchell Starter Library (AKA The Freebie Vault) The Harvesters Series CURSED BLOOD Harvesters Prequel #1 (novella) Lilly Cross has a secret. The kind that’s to die for. The raknoth walk among us. And she might be the only one who can stop them. SOLDIER OF CHARITY Harvesters Prequel #2 (novella) Jarek Slater’s […]
Starter Library – Luke Mitchell Books
PodCastle 771: Wapnintu'tijig They Sang Until Dawn - PodCastle
PodCastle 771: Wapnintu'tijig They Sang Until Dawn - PodCastle
Wapnintu’tijig: They Sang Until Dawn By Tiffany Morris   In the time of fever, the marks of the animals changed. Waterbirds shone with new radiance: a bright blue iridescence clung to their feathers, glimmering, soaked with the sacred oil of daylight. Their language changed along with their plumage: the chirrup chirrup from their open beaks […]
PodCastle 771: Wapnintu'tijig They Sang Until Dawn - PodCastle
PodCastle 770: The Dragon Killer's Daughter - PodCastle
PodCastle 770: The Dragon Killer's Daughter - PodCastle
The Dragon Killer’s Daughter by MacKenzie R. Snead   Gayamiza was no stranger to pilgrims, but these two were not welcome — an old man and his daughter, foreignness sewn into their clothes, engraved in the blades they carried. The city let them in, as it did all acolytes, but as if swallowing food it […]
PodCastle 770: The Dragon Killer's Daughter - PodCastle
PodCastle 769: In The Woods Somewhere (or Stories Never Leave) - PodCastle
PodCastle 769: In The Woods Somewhere (or Stories Never Leave) - PodCastle
In The Woods Somewhere (or Stories Never Leave) by Victor Forna   Gods Slap Those Who Summon Them. We shouldn’t have been there — but we were, hiding behind the kola-nut tree, peering into the silver night, parents worried over our empty beds back home, and that’s why we can tell you today, beside this […]
PodCastle 769: In The Woods Somewhere (or Stories Never Leave) - PodCastle
PodCastle 768: The Consequences of Microwaving Styrofoam - PodCastle
PodCastle 768: The Consequences of Microwaving Styrofoam - PodCastle
The Consequences of Microwaving Styrofoam by Leah Ning   We meet when we’re sixteen, and the Spark pops bright orange between us the moment our eyes meet. I don’t want to be friends with her. She’s strange and aloof and unkind. But the Spark is the Spark, and everyone saw it, so soon I’m alone. […]
PodCastle 768: The Consequences of Microwaving Styrofoam - PodCastle
PodCastle 767: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - The Ant King - PodCastle
PodCastle 767: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - The Ant King - PodCastle
The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale by Benjamin Rosenbaum Sheila split open and the air was filled with gumballs. Yellow gumballs. This was awful for Stan, just awful. He had loved Sheila for a long time, fought for her heart, believed in their love until finally she had come around. They were about to […]
PodCastle 767: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - The Ant King - PodCastle
PodCastle 766: "Lockdown Around the Christmas Tree" - PodCastle
PodCastle 766: "Lockdown Around the Christmas Tree" - PodCastle
Lockdown Around the Christmas Tree by Heather Shaw & Tim Pratt   What a colossal crapstorm of a year, the third year of infinite garbage in a row, ever since the lockdowns started. The walls came down around Mischa in March 2020, and here they were, still standing, tall and impenetrable, for Christmas 2022. Then […]
PodCastle 766: "Lockdown Around the Christmas Tree" - PodCastle
PodCastle 765: The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship – Part 2
PodCastle 765: The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship – Part 2
[Note: This is Part 2 of a two-part novelette. Visit our previous post to read Part 1.] The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship by Timothy Mudie PART TWO   Portico. Threshold of the frontier. Jewel of the prairie. A town of graded roads and running water. At least, it had been in the […]
PodCastle 765: The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship – Part 2
PodCastle 764: The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship – Part 1
PodCastle 764: The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship – Part 1
The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship by Timothy Mudie   Aloysius P. McNutt arrives in town one-and-a-half days after the snake, as per usual. Earlier would be too suspicious, and later risks that the settlers will have attacked the snake themselves, which simply won’t do. Aloysius needs to sell the snake oil to […]
PodCastle 764: The Science and Artistry of Snake Oil Salesmanship – Part 1
PodCastle 763: INDIGENOUS MAGIC - Dying Rivers and Broken Hearts - PodCastl
PodCastle 763: INDIGENOUS MAGIC - Dying Rivers and Broken Hearts - PodCastl
Dying Rivers and Broken Hearts by Gabriella Buba   Manila, Philippines, 1936   Maria-Lucia had failed. In her hand, a freshly struck agimat burned. The copper amulet pressed with the image of the Virgin Mary was hot with the power the coven had gathered from the full moon. Golden light streamed between her clenched fingers. […]
PodCastle 763: INDIGENOUS MAGIC - Dying Rivers and Broken Hearts - PodCastl
PodCastle 762: INDIGENOUS MAGIC - The Witching Hour - PodCastle
PodCastle 762: INDIGENOUS MAGIC - The Witching Hour - PodCastle
The Witching Hour By Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki   I stood balanced at the top of the oldest palm tree, the one that grew at the south end of the village. I was in my element — pitch-black night. This was my dawn. The murmurs of glowing spirits mixed with the chitter of living insects. The […]
PodCastle 762: INDIGENOUS MAGIC - The Witching Hour - PodCastle
EA Audience Survey! - PodCastle
EA Audience Survey! - PodCastle
Hello everyone! Escape Artists is excited to announce that we are launching our first-ever audience survey between November 15th and 30th! We are interested in learning more about you, our audience, including how you engage with our shows, your access needs, what content you enjoy and want to see more of, and how you think […]
EA Audience Survey! - PodCastle