Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

A Card from Me to Myself - 365tomorrows
A Card from Me to Myself - 365tomorrows
Author: Claude Ramone Bernhard He arrives. I expect a shock of gray or two but, instead, his once black hair has all gone white. He sits in the chair with the high back. His chest heaves as he goes for the breast pocket of his work shirt. He pulls out his deck of cards and […]
A Card from Me to Myself - 365tomorrows
Emergence Magazine
Emergence Magazine
Volume 3: Living with the Unknown asks, What does living in an unfolding apocalyptic reality look like? Explore Initiation, Ashes, Roots, and Futures in an interactive and immersive experience.
Emergence Magazine
Shoreline of Infinity
Shoreline of Infinity
Science fiction magazine published in Scotland for the World
Shoreline of Infinity
Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory
by Howie Good I like naps. As it wasn’t too late, I wanted to enjoy a nap under a tree. I started for the door, but a short stocky man with an uncanny resemblance to Stalin, the dictator who put th…
Chaos Theory
Pixie Dust
Pixie Dust
by Maura Yzmore It was nearly morning when Wendy landed on the railing of the balcony just outside her bedroom. Gently, she touched down on the tips of her toes. Slowly, she flapped her translucent…
Pixie Dust
PodCastle 748: Colors of the Immortal Palette - Part 3 - PodCastle
PodCastle 748: Colors of the Immortal Palette - Part 3 - PodCastle
[Note: This is Part 3 of a three-part novelette. Visit our previous posts to read Part 1 and Part 2.]   ALIZARIN CRIMSON   I’m still fighting the ultramarine depths of despair some fifteen years later, when I meet Joshua at the Club DeLisa. We get to talking, a fragmented conversation to fill the space […]
PodCastle 748: Colors of the Immortal Palette - Part 3 - PodCastle
Single-Cell Thunderstorm
Single-Cell Thunderstorm
by Wilson Koewing In the sky above Rouses Market, anvil-shaped thunderclouds matured. Jane Sprinkle — red hair draped over the hood of a yellow rain jacket — admired the looming storm and went insi…
Single-Cell Thunderstorm
Delete as Applicable
Delete as Applicable
by Rich Giptar It was sunny enough to burn so we took the bus/Renault/Land Rover down to Skegness/Bournemouth/Sandbanks beach. I loved the beach though I’d never learned how to swim/how to snorkel/…
Delete as Applicable
I’ll Have What He’s Having
I’ll Have What He’s Having
by Chris Milam You can learn a lot about a man by what he spreads across his wholegrain English muffin. If he uses butter, he is delusional and uninformed. The good trumps the bad in the mind of a …
I’ll Have What He’s Having
Virginia Creeper
Virginia Creeper
by Sebnem Sanders Ivy fascinated Ivan. English, with prominent white or yellow-green veins. Boston, with a reddish bronze colour in the spring, and bright, deep green during summer, turning to shad…
Virginia Creeper