Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

#Fiction #FREE #free
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
Author: Elizabeth Hoyle “There don’t need to be multiple universes for me to fall in love with you over and over again,” Michael said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “One lifetime must be enough, though there is no such thing as too much time with you. I’ve seen you as a daughter, […]
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 838: Potemora in the Triad - PodCastle
PodCastle 838: Potemora in the Triad - PodCastle
Potemora in the Triad By Sara S. Messenger   There are always three: the father, the unfather, and the child. That’s why Vriskiaab threw my unfather off his back after she bore my baby sister, or so Vriskiaab tells me when he stops in the shade of a dune, his massive scales warm under my […]
PodCastle 838: Potemora in the Triad - PodCastle
Strange Horizons - A Recipe for Life, A Tonic for Grief By Christopher Blake, Art by Arina Konstantinova
Strange Horizons - A Recipe for Life, A Tonic for Grief By Christopher Blake, Art by Arina Konstantinova
This variation on the elixir of life pairs the flavour of roasted roc with the medicinal potency of the philosopher’s stone. But buyer beware: this dish isn’t for everyone.
Strange Horizons - A Recipe for Life, A Tonic for Grief By Christopher Blake, Art by Arina Konstantinova
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Author: Eli Hastings The man turns a circle in the intersection, the four way crimson stop light flashing overhead, so he is encircled in crimson glow now, and now, not. The yellow Walkman gripped like a handgun in his right fist. The headphones nearly the age of the Walkman and the cassette clipped into it. […]
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki You gave them the names. All of them. Jelenik, Szmania, Guar, Imhotep, Salasi, Yun, Indrasutthan, Porter. Faisel knows it. His broken face, his darkened eyes tell you in the sterile moments of your visits. You wrap his lacerations, dampen his fever, moisten his battered lips, force morsels past his chipped teeth. His pulse […]
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon Kaz tumbled through the centrifugal force of the prismatic vortex, finally landing on the planet’s surface with a cruel thud. Medical nanobots lining the interior of his suit immediately went to work, infusing themselves through the pores of his skin, worming their way into his bloodstream. From there, the minuscule bots traveled […]
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Author: Dave Ludford Had he been walking at a faster pace or with any real sense of purpose Ryan Jennings would have missed it completely. Scuffing the forest floor aimlessly however with first one foot then the other, his meanderings revealed something that he at first thought was some kind of weird seed or pod […]
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask
via FREE Fiction / The first contestant worth mentioning wore manticore fur. The fibers, a deep shade of gunmetal, tapered to points of polished basalt. Ruffs of black cockatrice feathers bounced at his collar and cuffs as he swaggered down an aisle lined with twisted… Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask
Strange Horizons - A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, D.Phil, MSc.; or, A Lullaby (Part 1 of 2) By Helen Keeble
Strange Horizons - A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, D.Phil, MSc.; or, A Lullaby (Part 1 of 2) By Helen Keeble
via FREE Fiction / By Divine providence, we captured the mermaid with neither loss of life nor injury to any seaman, nor any harm done to the specimen. So easily we might have passed her by without even noticing her; but the sharp young eyes of Small Jack espied her a… Strange Horizons - A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, D.Phil, MSc.; or, A Lullaby (Part 1 of 2) By H…
Strange Horizons - A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, D.Phil, MSc.; or, A Lullaby (Part 1 of 2) By Helen Keeble
Strange Horizons - Fond Farewells By Vanessa Rose Phin
Strange Horizons - Fond Farewells By Vanessa Rose Phin
via FREE Fiction / Strange Horizons has had many faces since we began in 2000, and those faces are always changing. I often refer to us as the collective—or composite, Yoon Ha Lee style—which at any given time involves 50+ creative volunteers, committed to voices new,… Strange Horizons - Fond Farewells By Vanessa Rose Phin via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Fond Farewells By Vanessa Rose Phin
Strange Horizons - Drowned Men Can't Have Kids By Karina Sumner-Smith
Strange Horizons - Drowned Men Can't Have Kids By Karina Sumner-Smith
via FREE Fiction / Her father said at breakfast, "Drowned men can't have kids." He said it as if teaching Katy a lesson, or maybe as if she had asked. He kept looking at her, his fingers twitching on the Sunday newspaper like dropped lizards' tails. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Drowned Men Can't Have Kids By Karina Sumner-Smith
Strange Horizons - Little Brother™ By Bruce Holland Rogers
Strange Horizons - Little Brother™ By Bruce Holland Rogers
via FREE Fiction / Peter had wanted a Little Brother™ for three Christmases in a row. His favorite TV commercials were the ones that showed just how much fun he would have teaching Little Brother™ to do all the things that he could already do himself. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Little Brother™ By Bruce Holland Rogers
Samovar - Saligia | English Translation By H. Pueyo, Translated by H. Pueyo
Samovar - Saligia | English Translation By H. Pueyo, Translated by H. Pueyo
via FREE Fiction / Cesária Escobar was sixteen when she walked down the aisle, arm in arm with a man she had only met once. Her seven brothers and sisters watched in dismay, but her widowed mother wished her well. via Pocket Samovar - Saligia | English Translation By H. Pueyo, Translated by H. Pueyo via Instapaper
Samovar - Saligia | English Translation By H. Pueyo, Translated by H. Pueyo
Samovar - The Knack Bomb | De foefbom By Bo Balder, Translated by Bo Balder
Samovar - The Knack Bomb | De foefbom By Bo Balder, Translated by Bo Balder
via FREE Fiction / When the bomb hit, I was almost inside the ladies' clothing store where I work. If I hadn't paused to check out a cute bicycle courier I would have been safe. The bomb detonated silently, coating the street with a brief yellow burst like the mother … Samovar - The Knack Bomb | De foefbom By Bo Balder, Translated by Bo Balder via Instapaper
Samovar - The Knack Bomb | De foefbom By Bo Balder, Translated by Bo Balder
Strange Horizons - Hundred Eye By Yukimi Ogawa
Strange Horizons - Hundred Eye By Yukimi Ogawa
via FREE Fiction / This story is part of our 2015 fund drive bonus issue! Read more about Strange Horizons' funding model, or donate, here. Eyes, eyes, eyes. So many eyes on my long arms. via Pocket Strange Horizons - Hundred Eye By Yukimi Ogawa via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Hundred Eye By Yukimi Ogawa
Strange Horizons - Tessellations, In A Greater Hand By Artyv K
Strange Horizons - Tessellations, In A Greater Hand By Artyv K
via FREE Fiction / Where I’m from, it bodes ill to announce that you’re going somewhere. It’s a nuance of the language I was born into, where the word ‘go’ is swept under, reserved for foes and fiends while ‘return’ is extolled as a treasure. via Pocket Strange Horizons - Tessellations, In A Greater Hand By Artyv K via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Tessellations, In A Greater Hand By Artyv K