Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

#magazine "#Apex Magazine"
Super Duper Fly | Apex Magazine
Super Duper Fly | Apex Magazine
THE MAGICAL NEGRO—It’s easy to believe that this trope came from a good place or at least rose out of benign neglect. After all, a white writer is “writing what they know” or appealing to their target demographic, which is typically people like them…
Super Duper Fly | Apex Magazine
Cherry Wood Coffin | Apex Magazine
Cherry Wood Coffin | Apex Magazine
The voices begin three days before someone is to die. The coffin-maker wakes up covered in sweat. He has been talking in his sleep again, his wife says, in the language of the dead. He looks at her under the waning light of the candle. Edna’s face i…
Cherry Wood Coffin | Apex Magazine