Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

"#Fireside Fiction"
The Forever Girl
The Forever Girl
Lily swelled and shrank with slow breaths, on the brink of sleep. Her dark curls were frazzled from play and her dress was disheveled, wrinkled with undone r...
The Forever Girl
An Army of Bees
An Army of Bees
Last winter, my veins held only blood and not an army of nanobots. You were four, and I thought my fatigue was a normal side effect of parenthood. Surely the...
An Army of Bees
I hunched forward against the whipping wind, my climate hood blowing back over and over, face coated by spitting rain. It slithered down my neck as I walked ...
A Rabbit Egg for Flora
A Rabbit Egg for Flora
The back door is tinged purple when I go out to throw my morning coffee grounds onto the compost heap. A faint rainbow tints the yard in concentric circles, ...
A Rabbit Egg for Flora
Dust to Dust
Dust to Dust
The mudroom got darn hot in the summer, but he couldn’t risk doing magic inside the house. It got into the air conditioning and caused all kinds of trouble. ...
Dust to Dust
A Legal Alien
A Legal Alien
When Immigration and Customs Enforcement descended on our nook of suburban Houston, we knew one of us would be taken—we were all brown. They drove up in pack...
A Legal Alien
Those We Feed
Those We Feed
I knew you were an impostor long before I ever had little enough to lose to ask. I never expected you would admit to it, your small face unblinking and unsur...
Those We Feed
Due By the End of the Week
Due By the End of the Week
The only thing I hate more than group assignments is group assignments with Kelly Francis. I can’t even imagine there’s a more unreliable person on the plane...
Due By the End of the Week
Pendants of Precariousness
Pendants of Precariousness
A shark tooth washes up on shore. Lustrous, polychromatic, it shines in rainbow whorls, like liquid coconut oil on water. I pick it up, careful of the tapered end. In the hut, I bore a hole through one end and tie it to my neck. via Pocket
Pendants of Precariousness
“Did you hear that?” Abby asked her neighbor, Vivienne. The two of them had been chatting over the fence that separated their front yards. Vivienne had cornered her to talk about school fundraising while Abby uprooted the dandelions that had appeare…
Inner Space
Inner Space
Ella Jane’s question breaks the customary dinner table silence. But Dr. Williams doesn’t hear his fourth-grader as he watches his two-year-old boy bob up and down on the stacked phone books, reaching futilely for the large ceramic centerpiece. Just …
Inner Space
The Ceremony
The Ceremony
The girls line up, one by one, for the kiss. Some have dressed up for the occasion. True, the kiss has not worked for at least a century, if not more, so dressing up is not, strictly speaking, necessary—but as those girls and their parents will tell…
The Ceremony
Friday Night Games
Friday Night Games
Adora felt it move beneath her fingers. She did. And she heard the voice clearly, the sound sharp and smooth. via Pocket
Friday Night Games
How to Identify an Alien Shark
How to Identify an Alien Shark
Honored guests, thank you for attending this seminar on the Tucabal-Gor, colloquially known as alien sharks. I am Dr. William Smithson, the foremost expert on these xenoforms. Ever since the infestation in the Atlantic Ocean last July, world leaders…
How to Identify an Alien Shark
By Stone, by Sea, by Flower, by Thorn
By Stone, by Sea, by Flower, by Thorn
The bones of the earth are close to the surface here, all knobby elbows and wrinkled knees. In my childhood home, the land’s skeleton is well-fleshed with deep, rich soil, and the people are sleek and lush. via Pocket
By Stone, by Sea, by Flower, by Thorn
A Taxonomy of Hurts
A Taxonomy of Hurts
Penthos var. sturnus vulgaris I’m in the outer avenues, the ocean-most edge of San Francisco, where the wind drags knives across the skin. via Pocket
A Taxonomy of Hurts
“Sandra,” my house told me, as our subdivision’s street lights blinked on, “you have a message I am unable to read aloud.” My phone was on the other side of my bed. “Who’s it from?” “Letitia Richardson.” I rolled across the bed to my phone. via Pock…
There is a cat sitting on her kitchen table when she wakes up. She does not own a cat. She has never even seen a cat near her building. But still, there it i...