Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

"#Uncanny MagazinešŸ“—"
The Drowning Line - Uncanny Magazine
The Drowning Line - Uncanny Magazine
To Annaā€“Maria, my roots, my strength Itā€™s the satellite phone ductā€“taped around my left bicep that wakes me up. Not the late October noises in the deep night, nor the iceā€“cold water that cleaves my body in half at the abdomen. Itā€™s the desperate ringing, muted under layers of plastic to keep it dry, and ā€¦
The Drowning Line - Uncanny Magazine
Travels with the Snow Queen - Uncanny Magazine
Travels with the Snow Queen - Uncanny Magazine
Part of you is always traveling faster, always traveling ahead. Even when you are moving, it is never fast enough to satisfy that part of you. You enter the walls of the city early in the evening, when the cobblestones are a mottled pink with reflected light, and cold beneath the slap of your bare, ā€¦
Travels with the Snow Queen - Uncanny Magazine
El Cantar of Rising Sun - Uncanny Magazine
El Cantar of Rising Sun - Uncanny Magazine
On the Avenue Count the houses of worship: From Tyson Street to Tabor in Olney, you can walk a straight avenue of redemption, rising with the sun. Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Episcopal, and Evangelicalā€”every people to their house. Only I visit them all, as part of this mester de juglarĆ­a, this cycle of irregular meter and ā€¦
El Cantar of Rising Sun - Uncanny Magazine
The Sound of Salt and Sea - Uncanny Magazine
The Sound of Salt and Sea - Uncanny Magazine
The funeral was at dawn, the cold wind off the ocean rippling coat hems and tugging at scarves. The words were said, the blessing given, the family offered one final chance to make their farewells. When they had finished, the pallbearers picked up the edges of the thin pallet the old woman was laid on, ā€¦
The Sound of Salt and Sea - Uncanny Magazine
Ogres of East Africa - Uncanny Magazine
Ogres of East Africa - Uncanny Magazine
Catalogued by Alibhai M. Moosajee of Mombasa February 1907 1. Apul Apul A male ogre of the Great Lakes region. A melancholy character, he eats crickets to sweeten his voice. His house burned down with all of his children inside. His enemy is the Hare. [My informant, a woman of the highlands who calls herself ā€¦
Ogres of East Africa - Uncanny Magazine
Big Thrull and the Askinā€™ Man - Uncanny Magazine
Big Thrull and the Askinā€™ Man - Uncanny Magazine
Everybody knows about Thrull. Thrull like legend among us folkā€”biggest, greenest, meanest, nastiest, and dirtiest of allā€”with one big difference: legends false, Thrull true. We tell the story of Thrull and the reindeer feast, and the story of Thrull and the Mountain Witches, and the story of how Thrull wrestled Winter and wed Summer on ā€¦
Big Thrull and the Askinā€™ Man - Uncanny Magazine
The Blood That Pulses in the Veins of One - Uncanny Magazine
The Blood That Pulses in the Veins of One - Uncanny Magazine
They are cutting you out of me, these creatures in their sealed white suits. Piece by piece their knives and curiosity are divorcing the gifts you have given me from the gifts I have prepared for you. Gone is the eye that gazed out over the cyanā€“purple sunset on Taurus 4. Severed are the muscles ā€¦
The Blood That Pulses in the Veins of One - Uncanny Magazine
Not a Miracle But a Marvel - Uncanny Magazine
Not a Miracle But a Marvel - Uncanny Magazine
I always thought of the cabin on the lake as a magical placeā€”which, in retrospect, seems a little ominous. The four of us arrived around midā€“afternoon, and everything was as I remembered, not at all diminished by time: the long, shadowy dirt drive narrowed by looming fir trees, suddenly opening into a clearing saturated with ā€¦
Not a Miracle But a Marvel - Uncanny Magazine
Rooms Formed of Neurons and Sex - Uncanny Magazine
Rooms Formed of Neurons and Sex - Uncanny Magazine
(Content Note: Some readers may find elements of this story disturbing.) The greatest tragedy of Lydiaā€™s life was when she broke her boyfriend during sex. Admittedly, he was a brain in a jar, but sheā€™d been trying to make do. Ross hadnā€™t always been a brain in a jar, but heā€™d been cerebrally canned long ā€¦
Rooms Formed of Neurons and Sex - Uncanny Magazine
An Ocean the Color of Bruises - Uncanny Magazine
An Ocean the Color of Bruises - Uncanny Magazine
The budget hotel is empty and desolate, the lady behind the checkā€“in counter drained of color. Her eyes are wide and fraught as she looks over our reservation form. ā€œTwo bedrooms with double beds?ā€ We nod. Rich passes her his credit card. ā€œFive keys?ā€ We nod again. She hands the keys to Rich with a ā€¦
An Ocean the Color of Bruises - Uncanny Magazine
A Trump Christmas Carol - Uncanny Magazine
A Trump Christmas Carol - Uncanny Magazine
Democracy was dead to begin with. There was no doubt whatsoever about that. The election proclaimed it and the electoral college confirmed it and Trump himself signed off on the note, vaguely annoyed that Clinton had somehow still gotten 2.9 million votes more than he had. Well, they were from California. Everyone knew California didnā€™t ā€¦
A Trump Christmas Carol - Uncanny Magazine
Goddess, Worm - Uncanny Magazine
Goddess, Worm - Uncanny Magazine
Three lies: One: Silence is permission; quiescence, acceptance; yes is yes means always yes. Two: This is the way of gods and beasts, a tradition of power. The men take, the woman is taken, her boundaries malleable, her desire negligible. This is cultural, universal, axiomatic fact. Mythology is unkind, deification teethā€“marked by sacrifice. If there ā€¦
Goddess, Worm - Uncanny Magazine
Monster Girls Donā€™t Cry - Uncanny Magazine
Monster Girls Donā€™t Cry - Uncanny Magazine
(Content Note for descriptions of sexual violence.) Your sister has tooā€“large hands and too many teeth. Not in a sense that her gums are crowded or her fingers are long and she might have a career as a concert pianist. No, her hands are massive, thickā€“boned, tipped in wickedly sharp claws that shine like pearls. ā€¦
Monster Girls Donā€™t Cry - Uncanny Magazine
The Words on My Skin - Uncanny Magazine
The Words on My Skin - Uncanny Magazine
The traits that make me who I am are written on my skin. My biggest words are in my motherā€™s handwritingā€”smart, loving, resilient, organized. She wrote them on my back because thereā€™s no way Iā€™ll ever be able to reach that skin myself. Motherā€™s largest word is considerate, written in her fatherā€™s blocky letters, filling ā€¦
The Words on My Skin - Uncanny Magazine
The Green Knightā€™s Wife - Uncanny Magazine
The Green Knightā€™s Wife - Uncanny Magazine
The boys arrive with the changing of the weather, ushered in by winterā€™s cold. Once a year, at the beginning of December, those silly boys who think coming here means they are brave. All of them so eager to test their worth on the edge of my husbandā€™s axe. For years and forever and for ā€¦
The Green Knightā€™s Wife - Uncanny Magazine
White Hart, Black Knight - Uncanny Magazine
White Hart, Black Knight - Uncanny Magazine
An Eddie LaCrosse story ā€œWould you look at that,ā€ the queen said softly. ā€œA white hart.ā€ I followed her gaze. Far across the clearing, at the edge of the thick forest, an immense snowā€“white stag stood stockā€“still, as if posing for a painter. Only its ears twitched, as if it heard the queenā€™s faint voice. ā€¦
White Hart, Black Knight - Uncanny Magazine
Canā€™t Beat ā€˜Em - Uncanny Magazine
Canā€™t Beat ā€˜Em - Uncanny Magazine
ā€œYeah, thatā€™s some clog,ā€ the plumber said. She pulled the metalā€“andā€“rubber snake out of the bathroom sink. Marisella wrinkled her nose at the gunk sticking to it. Whatever it had caught on in her drain had warped the metal and torn away bits of the rubber. Marisella asked, ā€œCan you fix it?ā€ and, more softly, ā€¦
Canā€™t Beat ā€˜Em - Uncanny Magazine
Kamantiā€™s Child - Uncanny Magazine
Kamantiā€™s Child - Uncanny Magazine
Kamanti mindspoke to her swollen belly, Sekke Sekke. Then cooed and hummed. The precious gift given to women to hear the voice of their unborn child had thus far eluded her. Kamantiā€™s aunt had said the baby was very stubborn, and would only speak when it thought it had something worthy of saying. And so ā€¦
Kamantiā€™s Child - Uncanny Magazine
Bodies Stacked Like Firewood - Uncanny Magazine
Bodies Stacked Like Firewood - Uncanny Magazine
Three words, allegedly, written in Sharpie on his bathroom mirror: CREMATION, NO FUNERAL. ā€œShortest suicide note ever,ā€ said a girl standing beside me at the riverā€™s edge, staring into the flames. ā€œThatā€™s so Cyd.ā€ The shortest suicide note is none at all, I thought, and that was so Cyd, so much so that it made ā€¦
Bodies Stacked Like Firewood - Uncanny Magazine
Some Cupids Kill With Arrows - Uncanny Magazine
Some Cupids Kill With Arrows - Uncanny Magazine
Meg should have known. This was what came of trying to be nice. ā€œItā€™s a new job, a new crowd,ā€ her mother had declared, far too cheerfully. ā€œBe sociable this time around. Make friends. Say yes to possibilities.ā€ Against her better judgement, Meg had worn the daffodil yellow shirt; Meg had said ā€œyesā€ to drinks ā€¦
Some Cupids Kill With Arrows - Uncanny Magazine
An Abundance of Fish - Uncanny Magazine
An Abundance of Fish - Uncanny Magazine
Spring festival, before the fish arrive: Teresa Teng croons from the radio; I hum along as I hang paper decorations, the reds and golds bright against our cream-colored walls. Youā€™re in the kitchen making dinnerā€”Shanghai-style sauteĆ©d niangao, braised cod, stir-fried green beans. Sizzle, pop. Water runs from the sink, interrupting the music for a moment, ā€¦
An Abundance of Fish - Uncanny Magazine