Found 81 bookmarks
The Geckomancer’s Lament - Uncanny Magazine
The Geckomancer’s Lament - Uncanny Magazine
We crackle and crunch through the forest, tracking gore through the red and silver leaves of this wretched forest so far from home: the centaur, the nyanga, Oberon, and me. And Tchakalaktsa, of course. My love. My life. Skink of my heart. Or what’s left of her…in spirit, in the glass vial that bounces comfortingly […]
The Geckomancer’s Lament - Uncanny Magazine
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - The Four Gifts of Empress Lessa by Myna Chang
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - The Four Gifts of Empress Lessa by Myna Chang
My ghost is trapped in this bedchamber, much as I was in life. It had been my sanctuary, filled with sumptuous fabrics and exotic decor. In death, I understand the lie. We have all been trapped, dragonflies caught in golden amber. Just as my daughter will be, someday, by someone.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - The Four Gifts of Empress Lessa by Myna Chang
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - The Beloved Sisters of the Sun-Bleached Hills by Shoshana Groom
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - The Beloved Sisters of the Sun-Bleached Hills by Shoshana Groom
What she did? What she did?! My dear sister, she was a child. Nora didn’t do anything, nor did your despised Lady Lobar, nor did any of the women you’ve so eagerly watched executed. This cruelty is so foreign to the sympathetic character I know you to have. Well. If you won’t have mercy for these girls, at least be horrified for the crimes they’ve endured and do whatever necessary to assure you never suffer the same fate.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - The Beloved Sisters of the Sun-Bleached Hills by Shoshana Groom
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
The Pull of the Herd By: Suzan Palumbo My doeskin calls to me from under the woollen blankets in the cedar chest at the foot of our bed. Diya murmurs beside me, eases back to sleep. I cling to her, try to calm the panic welling in my chest by inhaling her cardamom scent. The […]
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
Vulcanization - Reactor
Vulcanization - Reactor
In the same world as Everfair, a brutal king plagued by visions of the Black people he slaughtered in Congo attempts to destroy the spirits haunting him using an inventor's powerful but unproven machine...
Vulcanization - Reactor
PodCastle 871: Homes for the Holidays - PodCastle
PodCastle 871: Homes for the Holidays - PodCastle
Homes for the Holidays by Heather Shaw & Tim Pratt   I stood on the slumlord’s doorstep and took a deep breath — one of the last I would take in this body, which had served me well despite being treated badly. It’s not the body I was born with — I don’t think I […]
PodCastle 871: Homes for the Holidays - PodCastle
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
Author: Don Nigroni Yesterday on Christmas Day, I was at my filthy rich, albeit eccentric, uncle’s house. And that’s when and where everything went awry. After dinner, he took me aside to his library to enjoy a cigar and a tawny port. “We know our current materialistic paradigm is pure garbage, yet we still cling […]
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Things Lost Forever by Auston Habershaw
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Things Lost Forever by Auston Habershaw
There were more than a few of the planks that could become chairs, but Lucas passed them by. None of them were suitable for the likes of Lord Adelard. The vampire wished to appear powerful. There was only one kind of wood in the cellar that fit that description. He squeezed back, back, back, into the furthest reaches, where once mice and rats might have made a home, back before the rats and mice had found themselves in stewpots and on skewers.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Things Lost Forever by Auston Habershaw
Unseen Unnoticed - 365tomorrows
Unseen Unnoticed - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki They stared right through me. It used to bother me. Now, it’s essential. I uncoupled the mag-links while Symplex’s security personnel looked past me. I didn’t fit their profiles, didn’t merit a glance. That’s what it is to be me. I live by a pair of simple rules. The fact that they come […]
Unseen Unnoticed - 365tomorrows
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Valis Seeker Fierefiz by Michael Echeverri Rivera
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Valis Seeker Fierefiz by Michael Echeverri Rivera
27. Parsifal confessed to me that she has never dreamed of Valis. Not once. In her youth, she learned of the city in a book: a philosophical dialogue where a poet, a knight, a musician, and a madman argue about the nature of reality while awaiting the arrival of a fifth person. Near the end, the madman recounts the story of Valis, which the others think is nonsense. Parsifal disagreed, and the city quickly became an obsession (she herself used the word 'obsession'). She said all this while pacing back and forth, refusing to look me in the face until the end.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Valis Seeker Fierefiz by Michael Echeverri Rivera
Don't Push the Button - 365tomorrows
Don't Push the Button - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon The lights on the console rapidly blinked in sequence. What that sequence was, Jackie couldn’t tell. It was all random nonsense to him. His finger hovered over the reboot button. If he hit restart, he’d have to work up a report, and explain his actions to the captain. But if he didn’t […]
Don't Push the Button - 365tomorrows
A Stranger Knocks - Uncanny Magazine
A Stranger Knocks - Uncanny Magazine
1926 Washington, D.C. Shaw District   “There’s a man on the front stoop.” The words spilled from her in a much more mundane way than Judy had expected, considering how her neck was fluttering with her excited pulse. Alvin looked up from the new Langston Hughes poetry collection he was reading under the lamp in […]
A Stranger Knocks - Uncanny Magazine