Onyankopɔn is a woman. And a man. And everything above and in-between. Akuba says Onyankopɔn kissed the tips of His fingers on the sixth day, and sculpted these bodies as worldly vessels for our…
Cast of Wonders 475: Miss Tansybaum’s Circus of the Moderately Peculiar | Cast of Wonders
By all accounts, Miss Tansybaum’s Circus of the Moderately Peculiar should not have continued to operate. They were a very small operation as circuses went, they had no rides and their menagerie…
Here. Listen. I’ll tell you a story. Listen. Once upon a time there was a girl. She was probably about twelve or thirteen, but that was an age when children were older than their years and expected to…
Cast of Wonders 618: Beneath the Unreal Gardens of the Virtual Villa | Cast of Wonders
Self-defense class in the virtual reality sim is supposed to be safe. My green dummy-partner lumbers toward me like a particularly unthreatening zombie and grabs my throat. I clasp my hands together…
Cast of Wonders 606: My Mother’s Voice and the Shadow | Cast of Wonders
I pressed my palm onto my chest and said, “Marie.” I pointed at my mother, took a deep breath and braved her abyssal eyes, asking, “And you? What is your name, Mother?” I shouldn’t have been in her…
Cast of Wonders 616: Worse than a Wolf | Cast of Wonders
The sound of the metal grinding against the whetstone reverberated up my arms. My father was sharpening his ax, preparing for the day’s work. “I invited Mu to dinner tonight,” he said. I shuddered.
Cast of Wonders 614: T-Rex Tex-Mex | Cast of Wonders
“Whoa! Hold on, partner!” the host of the party asked with his fake Texan accent. “What is that costume supposed to be?”. Of all the insufferable things, he was wearing a cowboy hat on his green…
Cast of Wonders 611: The Gobstomper | Cast of Wonders
A lot changes as you get older, thought Wilkie Saunders. For example, he’d been sure older boys like Tom Dunn—who was either in 10th or 11th grade depending on if you counted the year he was repeating…
Cast of Wonders 610: What Cannot Be Cured, Must Be Endured | Cast of Wonders
They say if you take the old scarecrow out back, jam some old leaves in there to make up for some of the straw that’s fallen out, and put a jack-o-lantern on the shoulders where the head used to be…
When the clerk at the convenience store takes my twenty for the frozen mac and cheese and the cheap wine, I barely notice the fractal pattern of cracks running across his face. They are unique yet…
At age nineteen, Robot Girl had dropped out of the most prestigious university in the country, had no objectives in life, and was now stuck pet sitting for the lovely lesbian couple at her old church.
Cast of Wonders 539: Little Wonders 39 - Home Ties
After the stoplights go to flashing red and the bars make their last calls, Park’s All-Night Ramyun and Snack Emporium lights up, its warm yellow lanterns beckoning customers from the street.
Cast of Wonders 541: Ashes and Buttercream | Cast of Wonders
The domovoi is protecting them. Sofiya knows this, even as her mother’s dismissive remarks prod the fireplace like skewers. When the flames burn to embers and the ashes in the fireplace thicken…
Cast of Wonders 542: Little Wonders 40 - Stepping out of your comfort zone | Cast of Wonders
It’s tough being a monster nowadays. With the constant threat of terrorism, global warming, and yet another Michael Bay film, the average person just doesn’t have enough fear left at the end of the…
Cast of Wonders 585: Haint Blue Sky | Cast of Wonders
Laurel hadn’t had time lately to listen to the stars sing. Sophomore classes had kicked her butt up one side of the holler and back down the other. She’d been okay missing the stars until the school’s…
Cast of Wonders 591: Scrap Dragon | Cast of Wonders
Once upon a time, there was a princess. Does she have to be a princess? Couldn’t she be the daughter of a merchant, or a scholar, or an accountant? An accountant? What would an accountant be doing in…
When people stay in hotel rooms, they suddenly turn into toddlers. Weird, creative, screwed-up toddlers. Let’s smear jam on the wall! Let’s leave apple cores in the drawers! Let’s hide used nappies…
Cast of Wonders 593: The Bookstore at the End of America | Cast of Wonders
A bookshop on a hill. Two front doors, two walkways lined with blank slates and grass, two identical signs welcoming customers to the First and Last Page, and a great blue building in the middle…
Their progress through the woods had slowed to a stagger, but they kept going. They had to. Jane shoved one booted foot through the layers of fallen leaves, then the other. Imagination kept her fear…
Cast of Wonders 586: Little Wonders 44 - Portal Fantasies | Cast of Wonders
While Marya was usually excellent at imagining the worst, opening a portal to another world while crocheting had never really crossed her mind. She’d been determined to learn how to crochet once she…
Cast of Wonders 587: The Game of Mao | Cast of Wonders
The Game of Mao has only one rule: don’t explain the rules to the game of Mao. It’s the only rule we may be told — the rest are clouded in secrecy and it is up to us to figure them out through trial…
Cast of Wonders 588: In a town like this | Cast of Wonders
It’s the first weekend of summer holidays and we’re piling into the backseat of Annette’s dinky old Honda headed to some house party at the far edge of town, passing a bottle of rum and coke between…
Cast of Wonders 589: The Answer of the Fickle Heart | Cast of Wonders
Sophie had a fickle heart. She didn’t know at first what fickle meant—the word reminded her of tossing a coin and waiting to see which way it lands—but her mother kept using it, and her sisters…
Cast of Wonders 583: The Cat that Worked from Home | Cast of Wonders
Macaroni’s workstation is set up just the way he likes it. He has a little laptop with little buttons for his little golden paws, adjusted to a comfortable height. His scratch post is within easy…