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Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
Author: Don Nigroni Yesterday on Christmas Day, I was at my filthy rich, albeit eccentric, uncle’s house. And that’s when and where everything went awry. After dinner, he took me aside to his library to enjoy a cigar and a tawny port. “We know our current materialistic paradigm is pure garbage, yet we still cling […]
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
The Mote in Bird’s Eye; or, Note Attached to a Frozen Corpse Retrieved from Deep Space - Lightspeed Magazine
The Mote in Bird’s Eye; or, Note Attached to a Frozen Corpse Retrieved from Deep Space - Lightspeed Magazine
Dear Aunt Harriet, If you’re reading this note it means you survived. That’s wonderful news: I always loved you the most. The notes I sent out with Aunt Anita and the cousins are friendly letters, I promise, us being kin and all, and I surely hope they survive too. But I’m happiest about you.
The Mote in Bird’s Eye; or, Note Attached to a Frozen Corpse Retrieved from Deep Space - Lightspeed Magazine
Golubash, Or Wine-Blood-War-Elegy - Lightspeed Magazine
Golubash, Or Wine-Blood-War-Elegy - Lightspeed Magazine
The difficulties of transporting wine over interstellar distances are manifold. Wine is, after all, like a child. It can bruise. It can suffer trauma—sometimes the poor creature can recover; sometimes it must be locked up in a cellar until it learns to behave itself. Sometimes it is irredeemable. I ask that you greet the seven glasses before you tonight not as simple fermented grapes, but as the living creatures they are, well-brought up, indulged but not coddled, punished when necessary, shyly seeking your approval with clasped hands and slicked hair.
Golubash, Or Wine-Blood-War-Elegy - Lightspeed Magazine
Dark Harvest - 365tomorrows
Dark Harvest - 365tomorrows
Author: Bill Cox I’m making this recording standing on the cliffs at Troup Head on the Moray coast of Scotland. This used to be one of my favourite places. It’s famous for the seabird colonies that nest here, Gannets, Guillemots and Razorbills creating raucous seasonal cities on sheer faces of rock. I especially liked coming […]
Dark Harvest - 365tomorrows
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Author: Eli Hastings The man turns a circle in the intersection, the four way crimson stop light flashing overhead, so he is encircled in crimson glow now, and now, not. The yellow Walkman gripped like a handgun in his right fist. The headphones nearly the age of the Walkman and the cassette clipped into it. […]
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Clarity - 365tomorrows
Clarity - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer My peers are very fond of saying how they ‘were fortunate’ or ‘spotted an opportunity’. The more honest have momentary shadows in their eyes when they say it. The raw truth is that to accumulate this much wealth, we’ve taken opportunities, money, and even lives from others. Not theft or […]
Clarity - 365tomorrows
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki You gave them the names. All of them. Jelenik, Szmania, Guar, Imhotep, Salasi, Yun, Indrasutthan, Porter. Faisel knows it. His broken face, his darkened eyes tell you in the sterile moments of your visits. You wrap his lacerations, dampen his fever, moisten his battered lips, force morsels past his chipped teeth. His pulse […]
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows