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The Geckomancer’s Lament - Uncanny Magazine
The Geckomancer’s Lament - Uncanny Magazine
We crackle and crunch through the forest, tracking gore through the red and silver leaves of this wretched forest so far from home: the centaur, the nyanga, Oberon, and me. And Tchakalaktsa, of course. My love. My life. Skink of my heart. Or what’s left of her…in spirit, in the glass vial that bounces comfortingly […]
The Geckomancer’s Lament - Uncanny Magazine
A Stranger Knocks - Uncanny Magazine
A Stranger Knocks - Uncanny Magazine
1926 Washington, D.C. Shaw District   “There’s a man on the front stoop.” The words spilled from her in a much more mundane way than Judy had expected, considering how her neck was fluttering with her excited pulse. Alvin looked up from the new Langston Hughes poetry collection he was reading under the lamp in […]
A Stranger Knocks - Uncanny Magazine
Mirage in Double Vision - Uncanny Magazine
Mirage in Double Vision - Uncanny Magazine
Hollywood’s highest-paid actress for the last two years breaks up with me thirty seconds before I jump out a window. Secrets have never been Adelle Tremaine’s style. She lives for drama even off the stage. So when she storms onto the set, makeup smeared and heels dangling from one white-knuckled fist, I know there’s a […]
Mirage in Double Vision - Uncanny Magazine
Seven of Nine Is a Third-Culture Kid - Uncanny Magazine
Seven of Nine Is a Third-Culture Kid - Uncanny Magazine
Content Note: Racism   Seven of Nine is a third-culture kid. Those of us who leave one country for another at an early age recognize the beats: You’re one person, a whole, unconflicted person with a whole, unconflicted family that belongs—until being literally assimilated as a child. You learn to adjust, but eventually—perhaps as a […]
Seven of Nine Is a Third-Culture Kid - Uncanny Magazine
Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200 - Uncanny Magazine
Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200 - Uncanny Magazine
So, hear nah. This is how it happen. Was years after Malcolm pass through and wash away a lot ah we little islands coasts, and mash up so much ah Florida and Texas and them places, and people say they ain’t waiting for no next storm like that one, and they pack up they things […]
Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200 - Uncanny Magazine