A cappella Zoo 4: "Rara Avis," by Karen Marie Vaughn - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "Satan in Love," by John Thornton - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "Stain," Maria Deira - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "Tangy Glazed Carrots," by Robin Rozanski - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "Teeth of the Cogs," by Chris Wiewiora - A cappella Zoo
A cappella zoo 4: "The Cloud Killer," by Jennifer Koe - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "The Siren's Song," by Ieva Melgalve - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "The Snake in the Throat," by Ben Loory - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "The Watchmaker," by Eric Schaller - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "The Wooden Grandpa," by Kurt Newton - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "This is Not a Love Story," by Laura Spencer - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 4: "When the Weather Changes You," by Amber Sparks - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "A Tale of a Snowy Night," by Awa and Kamei - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "Birds Every Child Should Know," by Kate Riedel - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "Einstein Plays Guitar," by Tania Hershman - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "In Borges' Bookstore," by David Misialowski - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "Movie Man," by Melissa Ross - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "Pestilence," by Jason Jordan - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "Shades of Gray," by Catherine Sharpe - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "Showtime," by Nancy Gold - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "Somewhere Near Gerasa," by Alex Myers - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "The Collector of Van de Voys," by Edmond Caldwell - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "The Creature from the Lake," by Hayes Greenwood Moore - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "The Crushing," by Phillip Neel - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "The Life Story of a Chilean Sea Blob," by Theodore Carter - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "The Snake Charmer's Teeth," by Mike Meginnis - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 6: "Metamorefruitis," by Anton Baer - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 6: "Within the face what other faces swim?" by Guy R. Beining - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo: "Automat: An Interpretation," by Francis DiClemente - A cappella Zoo
A cappella Zoo 5: "The Abandoned City," by Benjamin Robinson - A cappella Zoo