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Elsewhere - Flash Fiction Online
Elsewhere - Flash Fiction Online
Mrs. Bhatia was five when the first colony began on Mathuria. On her birthday, her father started a savings account in her name and began working nights and weekends to fund it. She was sixteen when he got lung cancer, the year before the government mandated the use of respirators outdoors. “Today, Delhi is uninhabitable. […]
Elsewhere - Flash Fiction Online
The Law of the Conservation of Hair - Flash Fiction Online
The Law of the Conservation of Hair - Flash Fiction Online
That it has long been our joke that our hair lengths are inversely proportional, and cannot exceed the same cumulative mass it possessed on the day we met; That our faith was bound by this same Law, your exuberant pantheism balanced against my quiet nihilism; That this Law does not apply to beards; That you […]
The Law of the Conservation of Hair - Flash Fiction Online
What Lasts - Flash Fiction Online
What Lasts - Flash Fiction Online
Step 1: Dig for parts in the Gearwoman’s scrapyard, through dead frames and the rotted pages of old schematics. Find one of her bots, with thin limbs not yet rusted, intact and broken like yourself. Collect, and run away. * * * Step 2: With no schematic, put him back together. Shape his face with […]
What Lasts - Flash Fiction Online
Listen and You'll Hear Us Speak - Flash Fiction Online
Listen and You'll Hear Us Speak - Flash Fiction Online
There’s this story we like to tell on Deck 3—we, the quiet ones. The voiceless dishwashers and short order cooks and house musicians who scrub and busk in grimy bars on a space station full of grimy bars. It’s about a girl who was quiet too. One night, this girl met a trader, just like […]
Listen and You'll Hear Us Speak - Flash Fiction Online
Waiting for the Flood OR The Bathers - Flash Fiction Online
Waiting for the Flood OR The Bathers - Flash Fiction Online
The two women are sitting in their beach chairs in the shallow water, low waves and foam lapping at their bare calves. They are both wearing striped, old-fashioned bathing suits, complete with goggles and swimming caps; the tall, thin one is wearing black and white stripes, the other one is striped red. They look to […]
Waiting for the Flood OR The Bathers - Flash Fiction Online
The Terrible - Flash Fiction Online
The Terrible - Flash Fiction Online
The Terrible installed a conveyor belt exclusively for her. It carried Invulnerabella along, wriggling helplessly toward the metalworks’s blazing furnace, her sinewy arms bulging against carbon-titanium cables. Her curse stole her strength whenever she was bound; the material was purely showmanship. His trap would immolate her in the same metalworks that had forged these cables. […]
The Terrible - Flash Fiction Online
The Black Clover Equation - Flash Fiction Online
The Black Clover Equation - Flash Fiction Online
JULY 9, 2018 Big progress today. Despite worries, experiment was complete success: walked under ladder with rabbit’s foot in hand, was missed by lightning strike on other side. Measured distance between self and scorch mark on ground: 2.7 meters. Weather report suggests lightning strike was likely, even before tests began; as such, near-miss should be […]
The Black Clover Equation - Flash Fiction Online
Women Destroy Flash Fiction! - Lightspeed Magazine
Women Destroy Flash Fiction! - Lightspeed Magazine
As part of our Women Destroy Science Fiction! special issue, we opened up Lightspeed to flash fiction for the first time. The flash fiction section was guest-edited by our long-time assistant editor, Robyn Lupo. Half of the flash selections are available online, while the other half are exclusive to the print/ebook edition.
Women Destroy Flash Fiction! - Lightspeed Magazine
To Comfort the Headless Child - Flash Fiction Online
To Comfort the Headless Child - Flash Fiction Online
The Headless Child built a gas chamber out of Legos and now cannot sleep. Only the dead truly sleep his mother says, and this doesn’t help. A black wind batters the window, an owl cries in the storm. It is the Headless Child’s past that upsets him. He recalls The Episode With The Plastic Bag […]
To Comfort the Headless Child - Flash Fiction Online
The Yankee at the Sitting-Up - Flash Fiction Online
The Yankee at the Sitting-Up - Flash Fiction Online
The Yankee comes in the back, brushing by my casket in his creased wool, smelling like he’d just swum in his leather-and-pine cologne. He fishes his way through the mourners who stand around fanning away the July heat and takes up a spot, nonchalant-like, along the back wall, opposite where my body’s laid out. Next […]
The Yankee at the Sitting-Up - Flash Fiction Online