Mine by Mierke
Once a Malfoy, Always a Malfoy by Inspire
One Soul Two Bodies by ForgetfulLove
Penance for Failure by evinaadlene
Penelope Clearwater - Works | Archive of Our Own
Rowena Ravenclaw - Works | Archive of Our Own
Salazar Slytherin - Works | Archive of Our Own
Somewhere in Time by SerpentInRed
Ten Too Many by flibbins
The Calling by bunnyhops
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy by Battle of Lissa
Alpha by scifichick774
Birds of a Feather by scifichick774
Congratulations by minervasrevenge
Contrast by TomFeltonIsKindaHot
Cruel Eyes by cocoartist
Don't Turn Around by Illuminare
Fanfic.meFan Fiction : Fanfic.me
Filthy Little Mudblood by Lupinswolfie
Finding Harry by blue artemis
Four Minutes by Nikkilicious377
Granger Enchanted :: scifichick774
Granger Enchanted :: To Enchant the Bookworm
Granger Enchanted :: To Enchant the Bookworm
Granger Enchanted :: To Enchant the Bookworm
Granger Enchanted :: To Enchant the Bookworm
Humble Beginnings and Grand Endings by bunnyhops
Hunter and Prey by Seselt
In the Dragons Lair by Brazilia H
Locked in the Dungeon by jamies_lady