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The Time Traveler’s Husband, by A.C. Wise | Shimmer
The Time Traveler’s Husband, by A.C. Wise | Shimmer
via FREE Fiction / The time traveler’s husband leaves cups of tea throughout the too-empty apartment, waiting for his wife to come home. Sometimes — hours or days later — he finds the mugs drained, bearing the ghost imprint of lips, dregs staining the ceramic in dark,… The Time Traveler’s Husband, by A.C. Wise | Shimmer via Instapaper
The Time Traveler’s Husband, by A.C. Wise | Shimmer
Antumbra, by Cory Skerry | Shimmer
Antumbra, by Cory Skerry | Shimmer
via FREE Fiction / As you enter the doors of this school for the last time, the girl who your brother slept with last night brightens for just a moment before she realizes you’re not Jesse. She deflates. via Pocket Antumbra, by Cory Skerry | Shimmer via Instapaper
Antumbra, by Cory Skerry | Shimmer
40 Facts About the Strip Mall at the Corner of Never and Was, by Alex Acks | Shimmer
40 Facts About the Strip Mall at the Corner of Never and Was, by Alex Acks | Shimmer
via FREE Fiction / 1. The little ice cream shop has 52 flavors and no vanilla, all served in paper cups, and sprinkles are not optional. 2. via Pocket 40 Facts About the Strip Mall at the Corner of Never and Was, by Alex Acks | Shimmer via Instapaper
40 Facts About the Strip Mall at the Corner of Never and Was, by Alex Acks | Shimmer
Lighthouse Waiting, by Gwendolyn Clare | Shimmer
Lighthouse Waiting, by Gwendolyn Clare | Shimmer
I am alone now. The gates mostly stand dark against the starscape; you are the first to come this way in some time. I hold myself together, hold myself out, and after so much practice I can do it almost without thinking. I sing my warning song made …
Lighthouse Waiting, by Gwendolyn Clare | Shimmer