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Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Author: Michael T Schaper Serena felt a little strange as she stepped out of the clinic and into the street. Not surprising, since she’d just made herself immortal. She stopped to check the road before going any further. It was full of people going about their business. She thought she might recognise some of them, […]
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The loading bay is spotlessly clean – the sort of polish only drone cleaners can achieve. Of all the things officers love, shiny metal in any form still wins. “Captain Reese.” I turn to Sarah. She’s shiny too, but only in places. By the time she’s finished, she won’t reflect […]
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Snug in my craft, taking each spacetime curve to a smooth jazz arrangement of “Just My Imagination,” it became clear. Things were slowing. We were winding down. It’d been a good ride. Not in every age and not for everybody, but for enough of humanity, we’d experienced amazing things. In the process we’d […]
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
On Bonding and Unbinding - 365tomorrows
On Bonding and Unbinding - 365tomorrows
Author: Don Nigroni I’m using pen and paper to write this for a reason. Please excuse my poor penmanship. My brother, James, was quite the success. I wasn’t jealous, just proud. Of course, it wasn’t easy being second best out of two, namely, in last place. James was a respected neuroscientist, while I’m just a […]
On Bonding and Unbinding - 365tomorrows
The Wish - 365tomorrows
The Wish - 365tomorrows
Author : Jason X. Bergman “You hold my amulet. I am bound to grant you three wishes. Three wishes and no more,” spoke the jinn. “I need only one,” said the prince. “My beloved Meredith, killed by the dark wizard Neirin. I want her back.” “This I cannot do,” said the jinn, shaking his head. […]
The Wish - 365tomorrows
Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200 - Uncanny Magazine
Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200 - Uncanny Magazine
So, hear nah. This is how it happen. Was years after Malcolm pass through and wash away a lot ah we little islands coasts, and mash up so much ah Florida and Texas and them places, and people say they ain’t waiting for no next storm like that one, and they pack up they things […]
Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200 - Uncanny Magazine