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Just One More Bite - 365tomorrows
Just One More Bite - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “DAY-NA!” The roar of anger is so loud it stops everyone. Dayna, presumably the being we’ve managed to corner after a three-hour citywide chase, was dubbed ‘Jaqueline the Ripper’ by the newsfeeds. Surrounded by rings of armoured vehicles and furious enforcers, she was laughing. Now she looks scared. What’s coming? […]
Just One More Bite - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
The Pull of the Herd By: Suzan Palumbo My doeskin calls to me from under the woollen blankets in the cedar chest at the foot of our bed. Diya murmurs beside me, eases back to sleep. I cling to her, try to calm the panic welling in my chest by inhaling her cardamom scent. The […]
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
PodCastle 868: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART ONE - PodCastle
PodCastle 868: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART ONE - PodCastle
Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold by S.B. Divya   My parents taught me to lie as soon as I could speak. Before I knew the meaning of the words, before I understood heat or fire, and long before I felt the pain of singed flesh, I learned to tell strangers that I burned myself by […]
PodCastle 868: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART ONE - PodCastle
PodCastle 870: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART THREE - PodCastle
PodCastle 870: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART THREE - PodCastle
Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold by S.B. Divya I was hidden in a tree near the mill when the Duke of Bavaria arrived in Talgove. I had never seen the man before, but the coat of arms matched the hangings I’d seen in Salzburg. The sizeable retinue stopped by the water wheel. Blasius emerged from […]
PodCastle 870: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART THREE - PodCastle
Vulcanization - Reactor
Vulcanization - Reactor
In the same world as Everfair, a brutal king plagued by visions of the Black people he slaughtered in Congo attempts to destroy the spirits haunting him using an inventor's powerful but unproven machine...
Vulcanization - Reactor
FORM 8774-D - Reactor
FORM 8774-D - Reactor
It’s just business as usual at the Bureau of Metahuman, Mutant, and Occult Affairs until an employee for the government agency begins to wonder if work is following her home. . . Thursday, 8:47 a.m. Leelee’s second cup of coffee hasn’t even worked its pitiful magic yet, she hasn’t finished deleting all her work emails […]
FORM 8774-D - Reactor
The Other Place - 365tomorrows
The Other Place - 365tomorrows
Author: Mark Renney Each time Rod pushed his way through the portal, his initial response was disappointment. Although he hadn’t been aware of it the first time, he was actually stepping into the future. He realised this was an immense and astounding feat but it was just his flat, a perfect replica, albeit a little […]
The Other Place - 365tomorrows
Couplings - 365tomorrows
Couplings - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon “You have three minutes,” Harmon said, sticking the end of an unlit cigar in his mouth.“Go.” “Okay,” Jepson nervously began. “Picture this: an unlikely romance between a peppy vacuum cleaner and a stoic lawn mower.” Harmon struck a match and lit his cigar. Jepson continued, “Defying the conventions of their middle class […]
Couplings - 365tomorrows
Beacon Five - 365tomorrows
Beacon Five - 365tomorrows
Author: Stephen Dougherty The wind picked up the dust with brutal force. It ripped up the scorched land and tossed it into the never-ending night. Through the dark maelstrom, he could see what he hoped was Beacon Five through the scuffed glass of Beacon Two, its amber light scything through the burnt dust like the […]
Beacon Five - 365tomorrows
Money - 365tomorrows
Money - 365tomorrows
Author: Jeremy Nathan Marks ‘Sir, I hope you’re happy with the service you’ve received thus far.’ ‘Please alter your voice to that of a woman.’ ‘Sir, I hope you’re pleased with the services you’ve so far received.’ ‘I am, Moneypenny. May I call you Moneypenny?’ ‘You may call me whatever you like, sir.’ ‘Thank you.’ […]
Money - 365tomorrows
Quicksilver Angels - 365tomorrows
Quicksilver Angels - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer There’s an angel on the veranda, stealing my tomatoes. Well, not actually on the veranda. She’s too tall for that. Got one foot at the top of the steps, the other on the ground. My daughter’s fascinated by the flickering shadows cast by the shimmering energy fields that make up […]
Quicksilver Angels - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 871: Homes for the Holidays - PodCastle
PodCastle 871: Homes for the Holidays - PodCastle
Homes for the Holidays by Heather Shaw & Tim Pratt   I stood on the slumlord’s doorstep and took a deep breath — one of the last I would take in this body, which had served me well despite being treated badly. It’s not the body I was born with — I don’t think I […]
PodCastle 871: Homes for the Holidays - PodCastle