10 Years To The End of Humanity: Revealing Permafrost, a New Novella From Alastair Reynolds
Fix the past. Save the present. Stop the future. 2080: at a remote site on the edge of the Arctic Circle, a group of scientists, engineers and physicians gather to gamble humanity’s future on one l…
40 Years of Women’s SF: The Future is Female! edited by Lisa Yaszek
The Future is Female! is a historically-oriented anthology collecting sf written by women that spans from the early pulps to the cusp of the New Wave. All but one of the stories included were origi…
Adventures in Space and Time: Andre Norton’s Galactic Derelict
Galactic Derelict is another Andre Norton novel I almost-remember reading. I remember the opening, with a Norton Hero(TM) riding into a camp in the desert. I very vaguely remember that this iterati…
Being a Lady Astronaut means being twice as dedicated, and twice as good as everyone else. And sometimes, handling a test run that has turned deadly serious.
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io
Being a Lady Astronaut means being twice as dedicated, and twice as good as everyone else. And sometimes, handling a test run that has turned deadly serious. Mary Robinette Kowal visits an off-stage incident in her The Calculating Stars series. Sep.…
Articulated Restraint | Tor.com via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2EZTDbR
At Last It’s a Girl’s World in Andre Norton’s Octagon Magic
When I read Steel Magic, I wondered rather plaintively if Norton would (or could) give her girl character a less trammeled role in the next book. It’s true that Sara gets to be a cat, which is cool…
Read “Second Chances”, a Story from Megan Lindholm Featured in Unfettered III | Tor.com
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io
Lacking health insurance when he was diagnosed with cancer, Shawn Speakman asked friends in the science fiction and fantasy writing community to donate short stories he could use to counter mounting medical debt. via Pocket
Read “Second Chances”, a Story from Megan Lindholm Featured in Unfettered III | Tor.com via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2tZMlyw
A powerful near future story about two people on a whale-processing rig: one a researcher, the other a worker—and the discovery they make by listening to whale song.
Speaking Truth Through Time Loops: Russian Doll and “Now Wait for This Week”
A woman in New York City finds herself doomed to perpetually celebrate her early-mid-life birthday, cycling through the same rote interactions with friends and searching for a way to escape the pat…
Everyone turns up for a car chase at the end of the world, and the cars won’t start. Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men is a movie of exquisite direction, and I’m madly in love with…
Read “A Dead Djinn in Cairo”, A Supernatural Alternate History from P. Djeli Clark | Tor.com
Egypt, 1912. In an alternate Cairo infused with the otherworldly, the Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities investigate disturbances between the mortal and the (possibly) divi…
6 Badass Female Time Travelers Who Get the Job Done
There is no single archetype of the female time traveler. She may be a young newlywed on her honeymoon, or a septuagenarian acting as a secret government weapon. She is black, or white, or from a f…
Gender-Bending Time Travel: Chronin: The Knife At Your Back by Alison Wilgus
When I heard of Chronin: The Knife At Your Back, the first in a time-travel graphic novel duology, I was intrigued. A comic set in 1864 Japan, featuring a time-travelling female college student fro…
2080: at a remote site on the edge of the Arctic Circle, a group of scientists, engineers and physicians gather to gamble humanity’s future on one last-ditch experiment.
The Conundrums of Ecstatic Time Travel: Tentacle by Rita Indiana
Time travel occurs in contexts both science fictional and fantastical. Stories centered around it can explore the bizarre paradoxes that it generates, or lose the reader in the thrills or dangers t…
Fun, Messy Time Travel: Alice Payne Rides by Kate Heartfield
I’m coming to the conclusion that Kate Heartfield may be the author whose work proves the exception to my “time travel stories never satisfy me” rule. Time travel is messy, and in…
The Magic System in Foundryside Blends Fantasy with Science Fiction
I was about a third of the way through Robert Jackson Bennett’s Foundryside when I realized I was reading a fantasy novel about the future. Not in any literal sense, so far as I know; this is a sec…
Exploring the People of Middle-earth: Míriel, Historian of the Noldor (Part 1)
In this new biweekly series, we’ll be exploring the evolution of both major and minor figures in Tolkien’s legendarium, tracing the transformations of these characters through drafts and early manu…
I didn’t grow up reading superhero comics. There wasn’t any real reason why, except perhaps that none of the adults around me did. It does mean, though, that when I talk to people about comics, and…
Hello, Tor.com! Welcome to where this read of TROK becomes a reread–for I have now read the whole thing. And it is awesome, and now I’m gonna read it again. You should come along and read it too! (…
Revealing the Cover to Warrior of the Altaii, Robert Jordan’s Never-Before-Published Standalone Fantasy Novel
On October 8, 2019, Wheel of Time and Robert Jordan fans will get to experience Warrior of the Altaii, a fascinating formative work by The Wheel of Time creator, offering an abundance of the epic t…
Writers are book-lovers. It’s not surprising that the plots they devise often have to do with reading, storytelling, or the creation of works of literature. Sometimes, writers just namecheck fictio…
Love has no time limits, but life does. Elizabeth Bear gives us a future where life and love and identity have so many more options than they do today.