Heinlein: Forward-looking diversity advocate or sexist bigot? Yes
Charlie Stross writes: [W]hile working on the novel that was to become Space Cadet, Heinlein warned his agent that the inclusion of an ethnically diverse cast was not only deliberate—it was non-neg…
Wow! Wait, What? Wow!: Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End | Tor.com
The title of this post is my considered response to Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End. It was my response when I first read it at twelve, and it’s still my response reading it to…
Tom Doherty Associates, publishers of Tor, Forge, Orb, Starscape, and Tor Teen, today announced that by early July 2012, their entire list of e-books will be available DRM-free. “Our authors and re…
Fighting dragons and depression: Robin McKinley's The Hero and the Crown | Tor.com
The Hero and the Crown isn’t a title that leads you to expect anything unusual, but the novel attached to it is very different from a standard fantasy in some interesting ways. It was publish…
They Wrote What? 5 Screenplays Surprisingly Penned by Famous Novelists | Tor.com
If the medium is indeed the message then it seems like the crossover of a prose writer into the world of screenwriting would be as extreme as a unicorn turning into a panda. And though we can conce…