Found 1727 bookmarks
White Star | 365tomorrows
White Star | 365tomorrows
She slides the ornately embossed door aside and enters the first-class stall. It’s empty but for a man, he barely stirs as he reads aloud from a menu. The train wheels clatter and shake and the man smiles as he cranes his head up to take in a vast u… via FREE Fiction / White Star | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
White Star | 365tomorrows
Malia Read the Paper and Then Again | 365tomorrows
Malia Read the Paper and Then Again | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Author : Daniel S. Helman Malia read the paper and then again. It was hard to believe. “Really?” you thought. “They’re offering money for that?” It was midweek, and you’d managed to accompany your brother to the store, where he picked up yesterday’s… Malia Read the Paper and Then Again | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Malia Read the Paper and Then Again | 365tomorrows
Roads | 365tomorrows
Roads | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / In 1721 Mary Margaret Thornton is sitting in the shallows of the river when the dairy farmer’s son finds her. He rises often this early, on the breath of dawn, specifically of a purpose to find her before anyone else does. via Pocket Roads | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Roads | 365tomorrows
Manifest | 365tomorrows
Manifest | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / No all-powerful deity would ever admit to this wretched rock being of its hand. What God would lay claim to its deformities and corruptions. To its cancers, to the ripe budding evil that blooms within our cells and the tumours we’ve named: Persecuti…
Manifest | 365tomorrows
Dark Harvest | 365tomorrows
Dark Harvest | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Patient 7 lapsed into v-fib, triggering his brain implant and the one in Dr. Gottfried, miles away, who dropped his tuna salad sandwich and slumped in his office chair. “What’s happening to me?” thought the patient,” as he looked down on the Code Bl… Dark Harvest | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Dark Harvest | 365tomorrows
Galactic Commitment | 365tomorrows
Galactic Commitment | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Author : David K Scholes Galactic Commitment “You performed well,” said my unit commander mark 5A droid “courage above and beyond the call of duty and all that.” “They were only virtual reality simulations,” I tried to hose his excessive yet percept… Galactic Commitment | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Galactic Commitment | 365tomorrows
Ratings | 365tomorrows
Ratings | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / I can see the lights of the screens up in the control room as I cross the silent studio. Nothing will be happening down here for another year. Up there, nobody goes home until their replacement is onsite and up to speed. Kelly once commented that so… Ratings | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Ratings | 365tomorrows
Stupid Girl | 365tomorrows
Stupid Girl | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / I hate women. I really do. I guess that’s probably why I chose this life. Or maybe it’s as they say, it’s this life that chose me. I’d heard that up here in the colonies the women are obedient. That they do as they’re damn well told. I’ve been here … Stupid Girl | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Stupid Girl | 365tomorrows
The Architect | 365tomorrows
The Architect | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Author : Sheryl Normandeau “See these skyscrapers here?” he says, jabbing a finger at the pile of photographs splayed out on the tabletop. “I made ‘em all.” I stare up into the red-rimmed eyes of Phillipe L’Oiseau, and frown. via Pocket The Architect | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
The Architect | 365tomorrows
The Art That Keeps | 365tomorrows
The Art That Keeps | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Master Needle’s words are soft-spoken yet carry upward to all in the gallery. On the dojo floor, his whipcord frame stands in an attitude of relaxation amongst the wreckage and rubble that simulates a city street. via Pocket The Art That Keeps | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
The Art That Keeps | 365tomorrows
Reversion | 365tomorrows
Reversion | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / In the middle of filing my taxes, I got a phone call. I hoped it would be some kind of relief from this stress, but it wasn’t to be; it was my wife’s lawyer calling, saying she wanted to meet about the settlement and matters of custody over lunch on…
Reversion | 365tomorrows