OWL :: Hinge of Fate
OWL :: Walk Through the Fire
SpellCast: The Harry Potter Fandom Podcast Podcasts
#The-Shipper-in-Me on deviantART
Hermione/Viktor Lily/Snape Neville/Luna
FictionAlley Park - HMS Captain Clearwater (Penelope/Oliver) I
FictionAlley Park - HMS Charming & Wise (Adrian Pucey/Hermione Granger)
FictionAlley Park - HMS Riddles Elderly Mr & Mrs Riddle (Voldemort's grandparents)
FictionAlley Park - HMS Sparkling Turquoise Elixir | Severus/Madam Rosmerta
FictionAlley Park - OOTP Ship: S.S. Badger & Books (Zacharias/Hermione)
FictionAlley Park - S.S. Bludgers & Blarney (Connolly/Quigley): More Fun Than an Irish Wake
FictionAlley Park - S.S. Coffee & Tea I (Blaise/Hannah): How Very Minty Of You
Alchemy - Works | Archive of Our Own
Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins - Works | Archive of Our Own
Amnesia - Works | Archive of Our Own
Bruce Banner - Works | Archive of Our Own
FictionAlley Park - Cafe-Concert (Draco/Gabrielle): Fluctuat Nec Mergitur
FictionAlley Park - H. M. S. Nocturnal III (Remus/Bellatrix): Remus Likes Heavenly Bodies
FictionAlley Park - H.M.S Poisonkitty III: (Tom/Minerva) The Only One He Ever Loved
FictionAlley Park - H.M.S Restricted Section (Argus Filch/Irma Pince) Crikey, they're cranky!
FictionAlley Park - H.M.S. Poor Wandering One (Fudge/Pretty Women)
FictionAlley Park - HBP Ship: McGonagall/Scrimgeour
FictionAlley Park - HMS Muggle Star (Sirius and Petunia)
FictionAlley Park - HMS No-one else wants them Alecto/Amycus
FictionAlley Park - HMS Nymph & Lion Tonks/Rufus Scrimgeour
FictionAlley Park - HMS Poison and Paranoia (Eileen/Mad-Eye): Because he can see through the surface
FictionAlley Park - HMS Polyjuice and Poison quill: Rita Skeeter/Bartimus Crouch Jr.
FictionAlley Park - HMS Prince & Slug: Eileen Prince/Horace Slughorn
FictionAlley Park - HMS Prince Igor Eileen Prince/Igor Karkaroff
FictionAlley Park - HMS Prince's Riddle: Eileen Prince/Tom Marvolo Riddle
FictionAlley Park - HMS Rat and Gazelle Peter Pettigrew/Dorcas Meadowes