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The Saucer People Make A Discovery - 365tomorrows
The Saucer People Make A Discovery - 365tomorrows
Author: David Barber “I’m not asking you,” cried the small grey. “I’m telling you!” The other, droopingly tall and thin, as befitted one of its great age, made a not while I’m eating gesture. “No, listen. They bury them in the ground. Or set fire to them.” Greys could be unpredictable. Sometimes facts disturbed them, […]
The Saucer People Make A Discovery - 365tomorrows
The Louse Spouse - 365tomorrows
The Louse Spouse - 365tomorrows
Author: Armand Diab The inattentive student stared at his phone in the middle of the lecture. The professor was none too pleased. “Mr. Reddit, no phones during class”, the professor said. “Sorry”, replied the student. The hand device minced no words in letting him know its dissatisfaction by softly speaking in a Siri-esque voice: Robert, […]
The Louse Spouse - 365tomorrows
Planet K3997C: Ah! - 365tomorrows
Planet K3997C: Ah! - 365tomorrows
Author: David Penn As with many worlds in the Small Megallanic Cloud, Ah! presents intriguingly aberrant evolutionary features. The dominant species, dubbed “exploders” by early missions, has, over several million years, developed a unique response to danger. Each individual possesses the ability to shatter into thousands of tiny fragments whenever threatened and reassemble itself once […]
Planet K3997C: Ah! - 365tomorrows
Promises - 365tomorrows
Promises - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The room is full. The courtyard is too. They’ve put up holoscreens in the grounds for those who couldn’t get in. General Perkiss gestures for me to come up front. “Warriors, I can’t end this memorial. It wouldn’t be right. Major Cyo Surtees will.” He steps back and bows to […]
Promises - 365tomorrows
Paradise Lost - 365tomorrows
Paradise Lost - 365tomorrows
Author: Alastair Millar It should have been paradise; a warm, azure sea lapped the shore, separated from a verdant pseudoforest by a broad expanse of golden sand. When it came to xenobotany, this was as good as field trips got, and Maggie still couldn’t believe the grants committee had agreed to fund it. Nevertheless, here […]
Paradise Lost - 365tomorrows
Just Press Repeat - 365tomorrows
Just Press Repeat - 365tomorrows
Author: Steven French “Professor? If you’d just like to press the button, that’ll initiate the experiment.” Professor Sarah Roberts looked around the control room, with satisfaction and pride. It had taken so long to put all this together, starting from that first idea, only roughly sketched in conversation with a graduate student as they barrelled […]
Just Press Repeat - 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer Shadows dance across the wall as the spotlight swings from its broken mount. I see sparks in the darkness of the crack left by my blow. Too long looking! Its backhan…