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PodCastle 697: Down to Niflhel Deep - PodCastle
PodCastle 697: Down to Niflhel Deep - PodCastle
Down to Niflhel Deep by Maria Haskins The dog’s name is Roan. He doesn’t know how long he’s been running. Maybe it’s been hours, or days, or maybe it’s only been fifteen minutes since he slipped out of the backyard through the open gate, but however long it’s been, he hasn’t stopped running since. The […]
PodCastle 697: Down to Niflhel Deep - PodCastle
Scribl - Time Zone - A free audiobook by Tom Lichtenberg by Tom Lichtenberg
Scribl - Time Zone - A free audiobook by Tom Lichtenberg by Tom Lichtenberg
This is not your father's time travel. There's no machine, there is no dial. There's no telling where or when you'll go. The only thing that can change is you. It will make you what it needs to make you, to fit you in, to make it work. And when you come back, that is if you come back, it won't be the same you at all. You're messing with the nature of things, and the nature of things does not like to be messed with, as Garrett Ronson and his friends find out, the hard way.
Scribl - Time Zone - A free audiobook by Tom Lichtenberg by Tom Lichtenberg
PodCastle 695: Black Wings, White Kheer - PodCastle
PodCastle 695: Black Wings, White Kheer - PodCastle
Black Wings, White Kheer by Rati Mehrotra The wings knock against the closet door on full moon nights, trying to escape. The sound terrifies Sarita, because if it wakes Amit, he might think there’s an intruder in the apartment. He might arm himself with something (what? Sarita settles on the kids’ baseball bat), throw open […]
PodCastle 695: Black Wings, White Kheer - PodCastle