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Special Delivery - 365tomorrows
Special Delivery - 365tomorrows
Author: K.Hartless Will it stay cloudy forever?” I release a pillow of breath through the slit in my box, try to imagine Jared’s expression, lost to me from behind cardboard folds. He’s brought me to the ravine for a reason, and I sniff the morning air as if searching for a clue. “Smells cloudy, anyways.” […]
Special Delivery - 365tomorrows
Packing Up - 365tomorrows
Packing Up - 365tomorrows
Author: Eric Fomley “What are you doing?” Sammie asks. Bo is slicing through the artificial flesh on the back of her neck, folding the plastic material away and exposing the circuitry. “I’m packing you up,” Bo says. His chin trembles and he chews the inside of his lower lip. “Have I done something wrong?” “No,” […]
Packing Up - 365tomorrows
Faded Glory - 365tomorrows
Faded Glory - 365tomorrows
Author: Chris De Pree “How vast those Orbs must be, and how inconsiderable this Earth, the Theatre upon which all our mighty Designs, all our Navigations, and all our Wars are transacted, is when compared to them.” –Christian Huygens (1629-1695) The rapidly moving silver sphere fragmented into hundreds of smaller reflective orbs in the outer […]
Faded Glory - 365tomorrows
Release - 365tomorrows
Release - 365tomorrows
Author: Brian Maycock In one hour, he would be free. Murty grinned. Smiling was not against the rules, not strictly speaking, but if a guard saw you smiling there was a good chance a beating would follow. They might think you were laughing at them or hiding a secret. Or simply wanted to impose a […]
Release - 365tomorrows
The Flamingo - 365tomorrows
The Flamingo - 365tomorrows
Author: Rachel Sievers The sun baked the earth creating a wafting air current that reminded Regina of what the ghost of bacon would look like. “Damn it is hot,” she whispered to herself as she moved over the black of the abandoned road. She could move to the side of the road but the cactus […]
The Flamingo - 365tomorrows
Vision - 365tomorrows
Vision - 365tomorrows
Author: John Atkinson A solid line splits my vision. The ‘now’ – a drab grey room with two humans sitting opposite me – fills the lower half. The ‘past’ – a perfect rendition of prior events recorded by my internal camera – fills the upper half. “You see it?” Asks one of the humans. “I […]
Vision - 365tomorrows
The Wave - 365tomorrows
The Wave - 365tomorrows
Author: Bill Cox He walks into town just as everyone who could is walking out. Running seems pointless to him, but he can’t blame them for trying. People pass in ramshackle jalopies, their worldly goods piled precariously up, held steady by blank-faced children. Others leave on mules or bicycles, many just on foot. A military [�]
The Wave - 365tomorrows