It’s a Wonderful Carol by Heather Shaw & Tim Pratt | PodCastle
That Seriously Obnoxious Time I Was Stuck at Witch Rimelda’s One Hundredth Birthday Party by Tina Connolly | PodCastle
Shaina Rubin Keeps Her Head Under Circumstances Nobody Could Have Expected by Rebecca Fraimow | PodCastle
Bonsai by Shaenon K. Garrity | PodCastle
Piety, Prayer, Peacekeeper, Apocalypse by Rati Mehrotra | PodCastle
Blackbird Pastry by Megan Branning | PodCastle
Hibakusha by L. P. Lee | PodCastle
The Stories She Tells Herself by Kelly Sandoval | PodCastle
The Settlement by Wendi Dunlap | PodCastle
Blade and Branch and Stone by Spencer Ellsworth | PodCastle
PC 465: “Never Truly Yours” by Marion Deeds | PodCastle
Needle Mouth by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam | PodCastle
Ice Bar by Petra Kuppers | PodCastle
PC 466: Blood Stone Water by Amanda Fitzwater | PodCastle
PC 467: “How I Became Coruscating Queen of All the Realms, Pierced the Obsidian Night, Destroyed a Legendary Sword, and Saved My Heart’s True Love” by Baker & Dovey | PodCastle
PC 468: “Sigrid Under the Mountain” by Charlotte Ashley | PodCastle
PodCastle Miniature #97 “When I Had Eyes, I Didn’t See” by Anna Yeatts | PodCastle
Ravana’s Children by Ian Muneshwar | PodCastle
Clay and Smokeless Fire by Saladin Ahmed | PodCastle
The Wizard of 63rd Street by Shane Halbach | PodCastle
Asymmetry by Kendra Fortmeyer | PodCastle
The Dauphin’s Metaphysics by Eric Schwitzgebel | PodCastle
Crickets Sing for Naomi by Eden Royce | PodCastle
A Ghost Among the Mangroves by Naru Sundar | PodCastle
Dragon Girl by Cat Sparks | PodCastle
Traveling Mercies by Rachael K. Jones | PodCastle
The Chaos Village by M.K. Hutchins | PodCastle
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - The Ivy-Smothered Palisade by Mike Allen
A flare of illumination washed the chamber in flickering shadow and gleam. I'd gone through another door, into a different room, longer and wider than the one I knew. Runes were scratched on every visible inch of walls, ceiling and floor. Repeated phrases: Death feeds life. Life breeds death. Death breathes. Tall and heavy armoires slithering with gold filigree lined both sides of this horrid space, most with their doors open, spilling out once-beautiful gowns now molded and rotting, reminding me of molted skins.
The Cruelest Team Will Win by Mike Allen | PodCastle
The Thirty-Seven Faces of Tokh-Bathon by Effie Seiberg | PodCastle